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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. this seems redundant...
  2. This sounds a lot like a nasty Browser Hijacker so I'm kinda surprised no one uses HijackThis...if you know what to look for, or are willing to do a little reading on the scan results, I've never really seen anything that it didn't find evidence of somewhere in the annals of your registry. By all means, this may be way more than you want to get into, but for the advanced user, it's the only way to go for pesky shit like that.
  3. http://jews.ohioriders.net we can keep track of the books here with us...
  4. He's just had scheduling problems, busy guy. we're working on it, so I'm still going to be in the market, just need to find a time that works for the both of us. Nick, It's Sampson - he's in the soda blast rooms a lot, i think, but works upstairs...
  5. we now return to your regularly scheduled OR shenanigans... (welcome back chica)
  6. You guys all rock, thanks for the helping hands. I'm doing this for a friend here at work, possibly this weekend, and I'm in the process of finding out what ype of chain tool I'm gonna need from him, so I'll be posting up as soon as I can get the right info.
  7. Soooo, kinda shot the wad with the title, but if anyone in the Dayton area has a chain tool I can borrow, I would be a very happy Jew.
  8. ahhh, Rep..... you better call Pinocchio, cuz OR just got real, boy...
  9. does the HJ change to BJ after that?
  10. I'll go ahead and let you champs deal with the babies for now, the last thing anyone around here needs is another me running around..... and nice car Matt, I didn't realize it was you until you passed me again going up Research. Was that your normal work schedule, or just some extra hours?
  11. holy crap, will you guys stop procreating?!? first Nick, then Brad, then Matt - jesus, the dayton crew sure is fertile...
  12. way to go big guy, are we talking blue chrome or pink chrome for this baby?
  13. jarvismb

    Thursday rides?

    i still ride, i've just been into the track riding a lot more since i started last year. It's a hell of a lot of fun, and I don't have to depend on someone else to finish my food... Maybe putting one together would be fun, we would just need to see who would be interested. Maybe we can harass some other Dayton folks into it like E and Nick.
  14. whatever Nick, do you even ride anymore?
  15. it's made from orphan puppy tears. jbot has already invested....
  16. jarvismb

    Thursday rides?

    well, we lost Dustin, i don't know if Matt still rides during normal hours because of his funky work schedule, i never really hear about Brad being on the site much anymore, and Danielle, well.... so most of the core of the original group is out these days.
  17. holy shit, you're right! i have got to find people to go to that...
  18. Super titties: System of a down - right after Toxicity dropped, Serj played one song then told everyone in the back to rush the front seats at Polaris Amphitheater because the people up front weren't making enough of a scene. Sevendust and Nonpoint - best combo ever, it doesn't need much more explanation.
  19. this dickhole made me late for work....
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