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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. hey, where can i get a WRX tuned? I've taken over the black '07 that was for sale here and it could use some refining, but I'm not sure where to go for a 4wd dyno. Suggestions?

  2. being a person the both fiber and copper comm systems on my PCBs every day, no one will ever convince me that it was a good business idea to try and squeeze the life out of copper when we had the chance to pony up for fiber long ago. Play all the fancy number games you want with copper, you'll never get the speed out of it (for the price) that you will from optics. At least not with current tech. You can combat this POV in years to come if we have some new cool breakthrough, but as of now, it was a stupid decision made by people who didn't understand the technology they were presented.
  3. I understand why, the question was rhetorical, I was more or less venting. I won't be the first engineer to quietly shake their head while some 'business' person ignores advanced technology to save a buck then asks why it's insufficient for growth down the road and spends twice as much playing catch-up in the end. And I won't be the last....
  4. .....or we could switch to optical transceivers and bite bullet for cost now and save big numbers with lots of zeroes in the future..... I've never understood why we didn't start whoring optical as soon as we harnessed the technology. The SNR equations barely even apply to optical like they traditionally do with conductors. The only losses are junction losses and angle refraction aggregations over long distances. For all intents and purposes, you physically can't induce noise into the system once the signal is transmitted. Hence, no more SNR problems and no more crazy auto-correlation or convolution algorithms to find your long-lost signal....
  5. Those paints are cool, but expensive. They just add nickel or copper dust to the paint to make it an overall conductive surface. But at around 0.01ohm per centimerter, the guy would have to ground the painted walls fairly often to get good signal shielding everywhere. I have no idea why I felt the need to type that, but the idea is is cool. Not a small task in terms of time or money, but it would be cool to see a house that was EMR shielded.
  6. faraday cage your house - no more EMI ever.... then you should probably kill yourself. (or go see avatar)
  7. I'm in for Putnam or Gingerman. I owe Putnam a rematch from last season anyway....
  8. Dude, I put the suit on and I put the bike inside last year in January. The cabin fever gets strong, it's best not to fight it...
  9. I know there's a bunch of you guys on the 360 that I don't have on my list, so send me a request if you want. I've only played with JRM and Parks so far, and I know a lot more of you are on, so I'll keep a lookout. tag - jarvismb (creativity is earned, not given)
  10. someone needs to stain their deck! wait, what were we talking about?.....
  11. funny. You pranksters should use the AutoIT scripting language. I use it for a lot of useful things, but you can also use it to make people's cursors jump around at random times, or always avoid a certain spot on the screen, or make it randomly click at times which really messes with people typing.
  12. jarvismb

    Mmmmm, yummy

    Another Caucasian, Gary....
  13. unsalted butter. jesus does not raise your blood pressure.
  14. I already have my monies set aside for the '10 season, so it's just a matter of finding dates & locations that will have familiar faces attending. Any event that would have a larger number, I would definitely mark down as in. I'm on board with doing this as a simple large group buy-in to an already organized event, but keep in mind that if we want STT, can we get Mid-O? I admit that things may have changed, and I'm not up with current events, but I was to understand a while ago that we can't have both this upcoming season....
  15. stop oiling in my wheaties...i finally felt good about something today until now....
  16. I was holding on to this, but I feel like you could invite her over and get more use out of it right now...
  17. fair enough, just don't let them watch....
  18. sooo, thanks for the random reminder that my pictures still look funny to you....

    you're a gem.

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