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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. I had a whole response thingy typed out, then i read this and realized i was copying...
  2. even if i have to miss a bit and meet up later, i'm game. I thought i'd at least mention it. i know everyone would've been so worried if i didn't show up to take my rightful place at the back of the pack...
  3. would this be a George Carlin-based filter, or will you be making the rules yourself?
  4. just so you guys all know, my thursday classes are on again for this quarter, so my thursday night meetings will be coming from Wright State again. I'm out around 5:30 this time.
  5. I'm just messing with ya, obviously the CBR is better....
  6. and that statement right there has the potential to start a 10-page thread
  7. I agree that's prob the best solution, but just to add, I live in Springboro, you're welcome to ship it there too.
  8. since he's in meetings about the conflicker virus, I can only assume he works at a petting zoo....
  9. hmmm, i never thought I'd hear of this again....my father is missing the top of his right thumb from this very thing. He was cleaning his chain with the motor 'helping out', and the rag got caught in the sprocket and took his hand for a ride. They didn't reattach fingers back then, but he actually regrew a decent amount of it back (which sounds crazy, but even the docs were impressed), and he has a decent excuse for a fingernail too. needless to say, I don't clean it this way, and I don't advise anyone doing the same.... glad to see this guy got most of his fingers back, though.
  10. no shit, i'd make the trip for that.... "Can i help you?" "no thanks, just looking.....really hard"
  11. honestly, the sheep looks surprisingly unimpressed.....
  12. I doubt there are any hardcore Tesla fanboys here, but hopefully someone would understand how riled up they would be if I asked "hey, doesn't that look an awful lot like the Fisker Karma?" maybe I'm just amusing myself, but it wouldn't be the first time.
  13. it was a good day, you guys/girls are all awesome. I'll say thanks to most of you in person on the 4th. and Nick, just let me know when you want to know what a prince albert is. I want to be around for the reaction when you type that into google image search.....
  14. No new tat, just a sweet prince albert....but i guess that's more of a gift for the ol' lady than me....
  15. That's why you need Vertigo Corsas The Vertigo's add ventilation and calf adjustments over the B2's, and the Corsas add arch adjustments (for foot width) over the regular Vertigos.... (mine as an example)
  16. thanks guys, i'll have a sweet bday enjoying my day here, um.....at work.....yea, about that.... yay, i got a whodey banana! I've arrived!
  17. Don't lie Nick, you saw my Vertigo Corsas, and you were smitten. Don't hide your feelings from the group, we're all here to help.....
  18. is this where I get to use my "Soylent Green is People!" line again?? please?
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