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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. sweet I've got 5 bucks on Carie. I'll bet hers is HUGE!!!
  2. oooooo, everyone's gonna whip their list out and see who's biggest??
  3. Welcome..... You've found a group of people who like talking about riding more than working during the day. Time wasting is a time-honored tradition around here....
  4. DTC (dammit, my 500th post, and it had to be about the DTC....they're freakin everywhere)
  5. Hell, it's tradition to post here for the Thursday group by now. If we mess with tradition, what's next? Cats and dogs living together?? We won't have it!
  6. quick sale, good for you jess. IBTL!! <--- I got one!
  7. oh, I've been there before, that's WhoDey's mom's bathtub. (you're a mod now, you can take it )
  8. welcome to the site and the area. what does your roomate ride?
  9. why the crap do I have a sock? Is that a Christmas sock? For the Jewish kid? Is that really how we're doing this? Is this some sort of revenge for this pic:
  10. I'm in, coming with the Dayton group. I'll need a small shirt. That's right, probably the only person that's not a girl getting a small. No big deal.
  11. I was waiting to see who would ask the big question first... I have no idea, but I'm a big pussy, and I'd want it to be a bit warmer on a regular basis. We also need to figure out when Dani's getting a new ride. Speak up, Chica.
  12. if you were on Myers Creek Rd, that's mine, and it's in the driveway from time to time so it would make sense. I have the only side-entry garage on the street, so the driveway is great for working on the bike outside.
  13. welcome from the 'Boro. I'll have to look for your area on my way home soon.
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