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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. WINNAR! (yay, we get to laugh at someone other than me)
  2. I've always just used a backpack too. It was my old one from UD, and I just replaced the books with other random shit. Worked out just fine, and it even matches the bike, because let's face it, looks are everything It's all come full-circle now, thought because I use it to haul books on my bike to grad school now. Little bastard has held up to everything and it was only like 30 bucks ages ago.....
  3. I did a tag search for "taint rub" and all I got was this thread? /letdown
  4. I hadn't checked here in a few days, but now I can see I missed out on a lot of love....I'm glad my small domestic fiasco has brightened your days. as for your question Matt, I'm just sick of winter. Does that count? I just can't seem to achieve the same level of crude and uncouth behavior in classy establishments like Hooters when it's cold out. I'm sorry to disappoint.
  5. I guess everyone covered this, but just to confirm, yea Tripage did mine, and it was great. Really bright when they flash, and really well hidden when they're off, even in the daylight. Sinner's right on with the powdercoat, too. Great job on mine. Keep in mind, my iphone camera has a very low shutter speed, so the lights look red, but that's because the pic took with them just flashing to off, so it looks funny. In person, the LEDs completely blend in black when they're off.....
  6. Don't listen to thing these clowns say, Dayton is awesome, and WhoDey loves it.... By the time April comes around, the Thursday night dayton crew should be bumming around on at least a semi-regular basis, so you should be able to meet up with us if you're so inclined during your little visit. Hopefully Danielle will have her sweet-ass new 600 by then, so I can officially be the slowest rider in the group. You're not staying too far from UD, so you could either do the Brown Street bars or hit up the Oregon District if you feel like a more serious night out. (btw, they're all right, if at any time you feel the urge to see hordes of young women attempt to 'pay their way though college', then Dayton is your city. Every city needs a hobby, I guess.)
  7. I still gotta watch my ass on here, I can't be starting any shit, accidentally or otherwise. Now that everyone here knows I only weigh 3 cents short of a buck-thirty, all my e-thug rep is shot to shit.
  8. I hope what I posted didn't come off as a pissing contest or anything, I thought I was just commenting on how people like me don't ride 1k's because unless I'm the next Rossi (which I sure as hell ain't) there's no way I'm going to use all 1000cc's of that bike. I wasn't trying to go dick-to-dick with anyone, I was just offering up the idea that some people like me choose 600's because of our physical nature/stature (the opposite of the really tall guys that hate the cramped 600's), and not because 1k's are stupid on the street or something.I hate a lot of the useless bickering too, and I hope I wasn't inadvertently adding to it....
  9. I would've had no shame in that if there were any respectable options for me :wink: I was there from 00-05 since I co-oped and added another year. I'm getting my masters at Wright State now since it's easy to get to from where I work and Kodak will pay for everything.
  10. then you win, because it was certainly not the case for my classes.
  11. wow, i went to the wrong school....I can assure you no one in my four years at UD even remotely resembled that pic. I would've skipped far fewer classes....
  12. if this happens to my policy, I'm out. They're losing the whole package, two cars, a bike, and a homeowner's policy....
  13. that's it, I just bust out laughing and made a scene at work, now everyone knows I'm watching youtube instead of working..... totally worth it, that was epic....
  14. I'm an engineer, and if you have any women you'd like to introduce to me, I'm here to help.
  15. this just may be food for thought, but I think the need for a certain sized bike can not only be based on the rider's desires and abilities, but I think it has at least a bit to do with the rider's physical nature as well. I know I will be corrected (and at the more advanced levels, rightfully so), but I believe that for most regular riders, the size of the person in question should have an impact on what is 'necessary' for them. My example would be Nick's 636. Being the size he is, he could slam the throttle on that thing and in a straight line, use up most of what it had to offer on any given day. However, at my manly 127lbs, that same bike would fly me to the moon. Unless I'm a racer of very decent caliber, I'm not going to need a liter bike to get my tiny ass moving. I've already seen my 600RR keep easy pace with 750's hauling large riders. If power-to-weight ratio is what makes acceleration fun, then the power should be chosen in proportion to the weight involved. I may never ride a liter bike in my life simply because I may never be good enough to require the obscene amount of speed a 1000 would provide to a little leather-clad garden gnome like me. That wasn't really an argument for or against the liter-lovers, I'm just tossing in my tiny two cents...
  16. take a look at the coshocton threads, rainbows all over the place....
  17. first of all, thanks to everyone for the support. If you can't build self-esteem here, it can't be done. Danielle: I'm glad you're amused. It's what I'm here to do. Hopefully my next joke won't require building a new freakin' wall on my house..... Dustin: Yes I am marrying her. At this point I've seen what she's capable of and I've determined it would far scarier not to. Matt: I don't think Sam's Club carries enough tape for this job. I'll put up pictures when I get them off the camera. And bump stops would've just made the car airborne. She ripped the sill plate in half and off the j-hooks in the foundation. She's a beast. We call her Demo now.
  18. It came inside when Lindsey decided to pull into the garage and miss the brake pedal and hit the gas instead, sending her car into the wall, and the wall off the foundation.... seriously. This new 'ventilation system' made it very hard to heat the garage since you could stand inside and see the snow outside though the spot I once had a wall. Since the GSXR doesn't have anti-freeze in it, I didn't want it to get messed up with the cold, so I brought it inside to warm up while the side of my house was replaced.
  19. fair enough...I may still be interested, I have to look at my monies situation for the coming weeks. I'll get back to you soon if you don't sell it before then.
  20. are you for sure selling all the parts as a kit? (what I'm getting at is, are you willing to just part with the swingarm itself?) if not, I understand, I'm just curious.
  21. jarvismb


    Edited for Ben Did he just call me Hilljack? Self esteem is shot
  22. dude, I was just excited to get the damn thing on when it came, screw the tags....now let's not get into how hard it was to get off the first time I put it on when I was in the house by myself, with no one around to help....
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