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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. yea, I could use a start-of-season check as well, if you guys do one, I should be in...
  2. I agree with everyone who said the Honda DN-01.....holy crap is that thing bad
  3. i was looking for a swingarm to powdercoat black for my 06, hmmmmmm this might be of interest to me....
  4. no no, a 48 US would be a sleeping bag for me. it's 48 euro. the second smallest size some lines make.
  5. for your consideration..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5qx-MVrXfk
  6. that may be true, but the SNL skit with Justin Timberlake dancing to the song in a leotard and high heels is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.....for serious.
  7. yea, it was like the code jockeys using 2 years for the date instead of 4. Come on, people, there's no way we would ever need that many numbers!! see, that's what actually happened to the Mayans...Y2K
  8. does my size 48 AStars suit qualify me for the little people's club?
  9. now that is a dickload of typing.....I got about 4 paragraphs into it and passed out. I hit my head on the desk and might have pooped a little. what was this story about?
  10. haha, I forgot about Dustin's garage. He should win the quantity award hands down. (plus, he has a welder that I distinctly remember him saying I could play with )
  11. Welcome to the site. I hope everyone is taking note of the slow but sure takeover of The Red.... You're either with us or against us.
  12. jarvismb


    ahh, ok. I think I didn't get one because my first purchase was made using a coupon already. I'm sure if I bought something for regular price I'd get one too.
  13. jarvismb


    where'd you end up snagging that 10% off coupon? I got mine for the suit from Fonzie who had one he wasn't going to use, but I'm curious how to get them since you both had them recently.
  14. jarvismb


    +1 on the NewEnough.com route. Got an $800 A* 1-piece suit there. Great site.
  15. jarvismb


    Since I've just recently jumped on the A* bandwagon, I'll totally and blindly agree with what Aaron said!! A* FTW!! (btw, my textile jacket was a Cortech, which I never thought would hold up as well as it did. It will be replaced this year simply because I can afford to and I'd like to upgrade, but 5 years later, it's still looks like it did when I bought it, even after the wreck)
  16. jarvismb


    Just to add my .02, I've had a textile jacket for the last 5 years, and it's held up to time and a get-off very well. To be honest, you would never even know to look at it that I've been in a crash with it on. I know everyone's experience is different, but my vote is that for everyday commuting/riding the textile is perfectly fine. Now, I also just got a suit that will be used for all my hard riding and track stuff, but my textile has proven itself just fine for years in everyday use.
  17. yea, i'm looking to get a mini cooper just to complete the look
  18. well I was face to snout with that one cow, and for 5 minutes i was jumping around and imitating all the scariest of god's creatures, and in the end she hadn't budged one inch, and I walked away defeated, bovine bitch for the rest of the day....
  19. we're all just compensating.... My green bar is bigger than yours!!
  20. Seriously, when I was in NZ and Australia for a while, I did a homestay with a family with a whole herd of sheep and cattle and if I've learned anything useful in my life, it's that all forms of livestock are completely unimpressed with my attempts to 'herd' them. Yell and scream all you want, they look at me like I'm a housecat or something. Nothing could be more degrading than realizing you just got punked by a cow.... As for the sheep, I learned I'm not to be trusted to shear them, and that lanolin smell never comes out.....of anything.....
  21. i just saw someone else had (what appeared to be) the same initials, I was just trying to make up some excuse to give you rep to get back to green.....
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