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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. the reasons for this description are two fold: 1.) He's a good guy, and I work with him, so I'm trying to be as PC as possible, while still informing the community at large. 2.) Have you seen that guy? He's massive. Our size difference is to the point where I don't get close for fear of being pulled into his orbit. If I manged to piss him off, it'd be like Verne Troyer throwing down with an unbelievably pale Micheal Clark Duncan. My only hope would be that he threw out his back trying to bend down far enough to grab me. You ever seen a squirrel fight a grizzly? Yea, me neither. There's a reason.
  2. You've had a lot of popcorn in the last few minutes. Watch those calories mister.
  3. it's really their own thing to work out, but I'll just say that he and his wife didn't see eye to eye on some of our more risque threads (NWS, etc, before the crash) and his enthusiastic participation in them.
  4. great article. Gotta love those SNR references for us EEs out there
  5. I work with him, so I talk to him on occasion. He'll may come back eventually, but seems likely he'll just ride with the groups since he has everyone's contact info anyway.
  6. that might work out rather nicely if you're still up for it when the spring comes around. Maybe we can come up with a nice arrangement like if you haul, then I get gas or something. We'll have to find what days we would both do, but if you're looking at STT, and within a respectable driving distance, then we're probably already looking at the same days. You're probably after Bluegrass too, so that might work out great this coming season.
  7. I was most impressed I didn't loose a testicle after coming back down on that seat.... But back to the subject at hand, getting the bike home made me realize that not having a trailer will become quite a problem for me in about 3 months. I realize it's early, but is anyone from the area (tentatively) planning a track day in the spring that may have an extra trailer spot?
  8. I took this pic while my phone in Dayton on 73. That's right folks, that's a Prius with the License plate VAG. There's no comment I can think of that would make this any funnier than it already is.
  9. 100% first time, but I did go back and rethink 2 of them before I submitted. pretty cool. nice time consumer for a slow day.
  10. funny, but seriously, i hate you guys....
  11. I was considering one a bit cheaper a while ago, but I decided it was worth it to get the right protection from the start. It also makes me feel better to know that someone who knows also thinks it was a good choice. I'm hoping having confidence in all the gear will help me concentrate more on riding, and less on the what if's.
  12. First of all, that thing is tits. that being said, I couldn't afford 1200 for the suit, and I could barely do 800 for the SP-1 suit I got. The only reason I could do both this month is because of the holidays and because I got such a good deal on the bike. That being said, that Shift suit is super tits...
  13. god i hate you guys...
  14. it's not all white, but it'll still rock. this is what the pieces i've got will be....
  15. dude, don't tell me they have one of those, then i'll be upset i didn't see it before i made my order....
  16. I'll probably have that paint job this whole season, or as long as I keep this set in one piece. If it makes it the whole year, it'll be my winter project in '09 to paint up a new set, otherwise it'll be sooner. The suit I'm putting together is really matched for my CBR, so eventually the GSXR will be painted to match that color scheme (black/red). My new SP-1 suit should be in by the end of the week, so I just need to get by boots and long gloves by March and I'll have it all together. The suit's white. That's right, white. The helmet, gloves, and boots will have black and red, but the suit is white. It's my attempt to be as baller as WhoDey. I know I can never really get there, but it's fun to try.
  17. I had an '03 SV650S to start out on, and actually rode it for 4 years before going to my 600RR, and I still miss that thing. It had a great engine to play around with down low, so you didn't need to rev it to the ceiling to get the power. Also very forgiving when you needed it to be. Great bike all around, and the aftermarket for it is really well stocked, you can get them to look like just about whatever you want. I have pics of mine in my profile albums, but you can easily go the other way with the streetfighter look with those bikes. SV all the way....
  18. yea, read that this morning. Genesis, anyone?
  19. thanks for the support guys, now it's just a matter of singing up. Looking at STT's site, it looks like mid-o an bluegrass are both in April, so I need to start talking to some other people and seeing if we can get some groups together. As a side note, I've been out ot my garage about 20 times in the last 2 days looking at the two ladies next to each other. This is freakin' awesome....
  20. Mine was once rejected immediately at a strip club when I signed Daffy Duck. they were unamused....
  21. Up until very recently it was all orange, those black fairings are the result of an end of season rash at Nelson Ledges. Dunno if that helps, but it would be cool if people had seen it around before.
  22. Of all the bikes all over the country from those boards, this guy happened to be in Lebanon, just north of Cinci. How cool is that? There is nothing that is not awesome about this. I can not wait until the start of the season. T-minus 3.5 months and counting...
  23. My day has come.... I've been whoring around the WERA boards/Craigslist/EBay/Cycle Trader ever since the latter part of last season, looking for a bike I can use as a track slut to get my feet wet without risking my precious CBR, and I finally found her. Thanks to the great WERA boards, I now have a 2003 GSXR600 track bike in my garage, ready for mid-o and bluegrass this coming season. The guy I bought it from, Mike, could not have made the experience any better. Has to be one of the nicest guys in the sport. He even worked with me on the price a bit, and then packed it up in his trailer and brought it to my house. I believe his SN is mykool on the boards, so if you ever find yourself thinking about buying from him, don't hesitate. Nothing but the best to say about this guy. Now for what everyone likely scrolled down to see....
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