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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. jarvismb

    Track Bike 001

    From the album: Track Toy

  2. jarvismb

    Track Bike 002

    From the album: Track Toy

  3. and after all, isn't 'pretty' what we're all going for when we ride?
  4. yea, it's a white suit, so it should go really well with my baller shoes. If I can't ride, I'll at least be as flashy as possible.
  5. Welcome to the board, and remember when you're looking for a bike this spring..... there's Honda, and there's lots of other crap out there I hear some people have.
  6. side effects of OR may include impotence, vertigo, blindness, baldness, shrinkage, loss of respect for Kawasaki, vomiting, herpes, gout, shingles, hangnails, and a rash in the shape of Delaware....
  7. for some reason I always pictured God as a Movado kinda guy...
  8. lets thank Newton, and his wonderful laws of conservation of energy, and take a look at that second curve in the "technical papers" (pdf) they provide. If power delivered is relative to the area under the voltage curve (the integral), then the magic blue line has way more area under the curve than the red line. This would imply that the blue line delivers way more energy than the red line, but since there is no additional power source, he must be creating that energy from nothing, which any freshman high school physics student will tell you is impossible. Spend you $200 on hookers and blow, at least then when you get screwed out of your money it'll be worth it....
  9. give 'em the ol' holiday house-warming upper-deck.
  10. no, dude, that's totally what it's about, I have no idea what these guys are rambling about.... i have cookies and milk too, and you can have all the milk you want if you close your eyes and suck it out of a hose.
  11. i eat the head first. i like head.
  12. well, it seems that bike is well out of my price range, but if you end up parting that steering damper, let me know. that would be a nice toy to have, and from one '06 to another would make it as easy as it can get.

  13. i punch her right in the baby-maker.
  14. if it's oatmeal, you can just forget it....
  15. jarvismb

    Poor Kids

    I guess that really helps say what I mean as well....I think any decently level-headed Jewish person I've talked to about it would recognize that he was quite brilliant and managed something people would have called impossible by most standards. (as an aside, this is one of the reasons people didn't react right away to help the jews, they simply thought the stories were outlandish, and there was no possible way a person could be doing all that). What I am saying is that he was not completely crazy, and I've heard that argument before. 'It wasn't his fault, he was insane'. No dice, in my eyes. Exactly like Dweez said, 'crazy, not stupid.' And while genius and crazy tend to sleep in the same bed, this instance just happened to cost a bunch of people their lives. Hell, Einstien and Oppenhiemer were clear geniuses, and in the end they killed nearly 200,000 with the spawn of their efforts. I make no point with that other than to say I guess a lot can be said for being the one who gets to write the history books....
  16. jarvismb

    Poor Kids

    Coming from a Jewish family, I can assure you that this happens a lot more than anyone would care to think about. Sometimes it just makes big news. People are dicks everywhere and for every kind of reason, and my family's background is just one of the many groups targeted for misplaced rage and hatred. You just have to let them wallow in their ignorance and let it be. If it intrudes on your life, then you can deal with it at the time (which does happen, unfortunately), but we're certainly not the only group to have to put up with shit like this, and will certainly never be the last. as for the Hitler stuff, there will always be lots of theories of why, but let us not forget that whatever the cause (medicinal induced dementia or otherwise), he really committed to it all the way. He studied for a long time the proper way to instigate a mass genocide, and in all honesty, he pulled it off brilliantly. In Mein Kampf he outlines how he studied the years of Armenian Genocide (by the Turks, if I remember correctly) preceding his own, and modeled his after that, noting it as very efficient. He studied and planned the whole thing very thoroughly before committing, so I guess my point is that this was not a rash plan he developed. If it was dementia, he sure had a long time to toss around the idea before he started his movement, so I still contend that there was at least some portion of rational, conscious thought in there. Not just a blind madness-induced tirade. I'm not at all trying to directly rebut what any of you guys have just posted, I'm just (I guess preemptively) stating that I have heard arguments that resemble the "not guilty by insanity" thing before, and whereas I can fully agree with a decent amount of chemical imbalances being unfriendly to his mental state (hence, he was not the man he would have otherwise been), there had to be some conscious planning in there given the time and care he put into the whole mess.
  17. my 2nd cousin said that last week he was railing this midget, and she said that her best friend's one-armed step-father was robbing this 7-11 in Tipp City, and when he was beating the clerk, he overheard two hicks watching the whole thing talking about a guy they buy meth from that bought an asian bride from a guy that heard that they were selling Yamahas there....
  18. word... I'm on break now until the first week in January, but then I go back in the hole until June. Obviously I'll be out when it gets warm, but I'll be holed for the most part up 'till then. Anyone know what you're getting for the big Jesus Day? Anything cool?
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