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Posts posted by scheetz31

  1. Besides, picking them out here in cbus is easy. They drive 92 Acuras and Hondas with fucked up paint jobs, dents everywhere, miss-matched wheels, pulling out of the cheapest apt communities around and cruise at the speed limit to 5mph lower to avoid getting pulled over at all costs. Usually 3-4 of them in the car at any given time, usually on their way to work. Yeah, I said it.


    That is like 70% of the residence in my apartment complex....lol...ill add to it that they think their 92 acura is killer fast too, peeling out everytime they pull onto the street.

  2. i had to drive to indy once a week for my internship...got paid for mileage...so i figured id get the most outta my money if i rode. did it two weeks in a row and then was told not to any more:( they said that there workers insurance didnt cover me or some crude like that.

    it was good while it lasted though...i spent 15 in gas but got 100 for mileage...nice

  3. looks like its gonna stay clear of rain till 11ish..im planning on goen to the lube. if anyone still wants to meet on campus and then ride up there let me know.

  4. I'm looking to upgrade my movie collection. I know there is a thread about unheard of films, but make this on about movies that were just all-around good movies. Popular or not doesn't matter.

    "A Boy and his Dog" starring Don Johnson from early 80's was an old favorite. Green Street Hooligans is a newer favorite.

    Thanks in advance.

    i literally jus finished watching green street hooligans last night...awsome...but the guy from sons of anarchy being british really threw me off. never new he was from the otherside of the pond.

    good movie non-the-less.

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