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Posts posted by scheetz31

  1. Damn I misjudged the response to this thread by a mile. I figured someone else would say this, but here goes.


    You are a fucking moron, you put valuable shit in your car that you tint and you park on the street in the campus area? Not only that I bet you play it at least some what loud so that it can be heard. So you most likely "mark" yourself. Then next you are going to tell me you don't even put a fucking $100 alarm on the car to give some kind of deterent? Then after all of that you replace it and still do nothing like buy a cheap alarm? Now you want sympathy and you are getting here from people? WTF, you spend all that money and can't buy a fucking alarm? Yep Like I said you sir are a fucking moron. I think it is crazy to think that only the same people would come back and steal again, "Lightning could not strike twice" As the officer said in this thread you have tinted windows, it's marked.....


    Holy shit I can't explain the amount of fail in this thread.


    Im not looking for sympathy...whats done is done...and yes i am kicking myself for getting more equip, but i underestimated theifs in getting what they want. I didnt think they would cut away sheetmetal to get in.


    I started this post mostly cause i witnessed some dumbasses break into my neighbors house in broad daylight. Im not used to being a witness to a crime in progress, and ive lived here in the city for 4 years. My car was just to set the story up.

  2. It took maybe ten minutes for the cops to show...but atleast they showed with three squad cars.


    I only have to live at my place for another month or so, then back to cincy for the summer. When i come back to finish up classes, im am not living on campus...thats fo sho.

  3. SO that is all said and done....


    TODAY, at 9:30 am , im getting back home from class. See these two sketchy dudes walking down the street. Sketchy for the fact they are wearing hoodies and gloves. Go inside and go to look for them out the window. They are at the neighbors yard across the street. They are clearly casing the place, so i call the cops again. I was thinking with my luck they are friends of the neighbors and i am going to look like an ass...

    ...But they are not. Ends up they kicked in the front door and entered. When the neighbors woke-up they bolted. THEN the cops show.




    What is this city coming too.

  4. http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa28/scheetz31/DSC00488.jpg





  5. ...Not all people, just the phucks that feel they are intitled to break and steal.


    Ill start of 6 months ago when my car was brokeninto and robbed of my stereo equip...right infront of my house on Lane and Indiana. Broken window, and amps were taken from trunk via the "pass-thru" in the seat left unlock.


    Very next night...catch a douche bag going through my friends car--he lives three houses down--call the cops...dont think they caught him.


    Went to cincy home on spring break and got new amps and installed after not having any stereo or radio for 5 months. No more than three weeks after coming back to school fo i get phucked again. I thought i could get robbed again:

    1--cuse there is no trunk release inside the car...you need a key

    2--the "pass-thru" is lock, so cant get to trunk that way.

    3--I bolted the equip to the frame.

    So this is what happened...

  6. Down Nationwide Blvd...West of Neil

    Thats where i took these





  7. I have an xb12...i frequently do the columbus to cincy trip. No problems with discomfort. Get about 150 miles to the tank if you are just crusing. As far as luggage is concerned for trips to fla or what not...buell has the ulysses. its more set up for touring than the lightning i have. this is also the first bike i have owned. though it is a 1200cc vtwin it is a very forgiving bike...never once have i felt it is too much bike. thats just my 2cents

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