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Posts posted by scheetz31

  1. all i know about the castle law is that you must prove that you felt your life was at risk...ie.

    -dont shoot perp in back..lawyer may say he was trying to run away and you may get pinned with charge...

    -make sure you shoot to kill...if the perp lives, that just gives them the chance to screw you in court...but if their not able to "make it" to court then your better off.

  2. i valet at the blackwell and we have had a few guest ride bikes and wanted them in the garage. T&P at osu says that no bike parking in garages cus they are afraid the arm will come down and hurt someone. but the new lane garage has covered bike parking to the right of the entrance though.

  3. i might be able to come if i get outta work on time...hope to meet you all cuse i know ive seen some of yous ridden around.

    just signed up for that BMC too

  4. there was a guy riding around with a supertrapp on his xbr last spring...sounded awsome. but i have heard that the welds on those have been known to blow apart


    definitly dont get a jardine gp1...i bought it and the rivets rattled out in 4months...i ended up drilling new ones and cutting off the tailpipe...while i was at it i removed the baffleing. Sounds great now. A lot of people gut out the stock pipes and they sound pretty good too if you know someone that can weld it back up.

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