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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. have you seen the plasma center on campus? there is no way i would step foot in one of those places and let them recycle my blood back into me.... i would rather eat ramen every day for a year. However, my friend did make like $40 every time he went... that was his drinking money had a friend who was a student, worked for UPS. worked out well for him bc of the hours. its only ~$9/hr, but it should help alot
  2. that's no good. hospitals blow... especially extended stays. hope they get everything figured out and you're back to new soon!
  3. I was out on the bike and got all sweaty and then came into work smelly to make the people here who smell bad suffer for a change.
  4. what kind of engineer are you? typical engineering social skills obviously apply... can't even help yourself out by giving us some details.
  5. I'm sorry to hear this shawn, hope you're doing ok. I can try to be there tomorrow as well. I should be able to take a long lunch.
  6. OsuMj

    what are you gonna do without garret bossing you around this week?

  7. he is the president of the OSU motorcycle club... I'm gonna be referring to him as my prez... what?
  8. lol... he works really hard making cardboard motorcycles and pushing those brass balls around. THE MAN DESERVES A BREAK!!!
  9. how often do you go to these things? I'll go an watch at some point if i can get some advance notice
  10. oh adam... you know you're excited to have us all out there.
  11. agreed. then we can add moderators to moderate the moderators' moderators. it'll be sweet.
  12. yeah, but it makes people who are offended by a thread being moved feel like i care, and that makes them stop complaining.
  13. well, like I said, if it was incorrect to move it, I definitely won't be offended if it gets moved back... but as I understand, threads that are waaay off topic (as this one was) and that have people just throwing around insults (as this one was) get moved here. I am not claiming it was the right decision, but it didn't seem wrong. It effectively keeps the bs in one section so that people who don't want to see it don't have to sort through everything to read the other threads. I still don't see why this is such a big deal.
  14. take a joke dude. you're offended more easily than any of the people that you've been bitching about.
  15. OH, and todd, are you really upset that you have to click on a different link to see this thread? Its just in a different spot... its not like its gone, or your blocked from it. I think everyone needs to chill out a bit.
  16. are you kidding me? http://usgovinfo.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=usgovinfo&cdn=newsissues&tm=43&f=00&tt=2&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/ad/ad347.pdf
  17. really? so you guys think that all the bitching should just be left on the front page? I mean, I can move it back, I just thought that was what this section was for... people who care about all the whining that people do bc they don't like someone...
  18. Yeah, we filled the place up! Not too shabby for a wednesday! You guys put on a great show too... per usual
  19. I moved it. It had nothing to do with the original thread and it was just bitching... Besides, it was an excellent social experiment to see if the title would deter anyone from posting.
  20. wait wait wait... he lives at home AND weighs less than an average woman? hrm....
  21. Redrocket, are you joking?
  22. I got one a few weeks ago that said "Message not found: abort, retry?"
  23. I'm driving my car over... :p

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