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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I'm gonna go ahead and stop reading OR posts before I go to bed...apparently they have started to influence what i dream about....
  2. its cute. and i wouldnt laugh at you at all when i saw you....
  3. I lol'ed.... then i showed my roomie, and he looked at me like i was crazy.... yeah.... but i think he was loling inside.
  4. it's like a funny little demand for pics of the hot girl.... ..... yeah...
  5. oh gosh... those infinite loops of pregnancy... that could be vicious.
  6. jk.... please dont post pics.
  7. um... I dont have any plans for afterwards... it'll really depend on whether I have to work the next morning or not.... anyone else?
  8. or at least tell me when we're about to light the torches.... geeze... you guys are a-holes.
  9. really? my PR for a mile was 6 flat.
  10. the horses look confused or pissed.... welcome
  11. I need to change my banner to:

    osumj is a girl... and is not pregnant.

  12. wow... with 950 chances, someone who can't read at all could pass the test.... I could pass the test written in korean if you give me 950 tries... that's ridiculous.
  13. yeah, that's absurd. I did a 3200 in 13 mins one time.... just saying... I agree with ya, if the refs can't keep up with the group, they shouldn't be reffing. *sigh* about the trophys to all the kids thing... that's frustrating. You teach kids that they get trophys for not being the best, then what are they striving for? Its like, I dont have to try, bc everyone is going to tell me how good i did even though i didn't do that well at all. When you're kid is on the losing team you say, nice job, better luck next time, it takes practice to get better. dumb.
  14. I'm trying to make you entertain me at work and you're failing. :nono:

    btw, you need to spice up your profile page.... this is blander than my cooking.


  15. OsuMj


    From the album: Misc.

  16. yeah, we get together for group hugs and tea on wednesdays....
  17. wait wait wait.... 12 mins for a 1.25 mile run?
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