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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. awww, fonz... hugz next time, promise... remind me... jrm, thanks for the rules... at least YOU have a little decency... i'm here poppin pain meds havin fonz the i-wanna-be-an-asshole-too bitchin at me for not giving him more attention.
  2. I'm pretty certain they give out rep as payment for "favors" that they gave each other recently. Like, I'm pretty sure sam lent IP one of his sheep, so IP repped it up for sam... do you want to be a part of that fonz? just bc the 'cool' kids are doing it, doesn't mean you need to do it to be cool.
  3. OsuMj


    If you think OR is so lame, why do you keep coming back? to get laughs? well, we're all laughing at you.
  4. I can play with the big boys!!! :D

  5. I dont know why but i get a little giggle everytime someone says "nom nom nom" so for you, +rep. lol
  6. and I think Pauly is right. jk was it good rep or bad rep???
  7. He'll be the one invading your personal space from behind... at least that's how him and jrmiii met...
  8. I'm gonna try and make it, at least for a little bit.
  9. Hi creep. <--- that's not the first time I've said that!
  10. Fonz, kiddo, I'm gonna introduce you to a new button "+" multiple quotes in one reply ftw!!!
  11. just when i thought there wasn't anything you could do to make a bug uglier...
  12. shiiit! where'd you find the cheap duct tape at?? chris wants to know how she's supposed to 'service' you if she's got her mouth taped.
  13. I'm excited for halloween, I've got a $3 costume that I think will be fantastic... but its a secret. lol
  14. thanks kids I got home, ate a sammich, passed out for 3 hours, and feel greeeaaat! sorta.
  15. weird, I got shittygsxr... what a strange little website
  16. I get out right now!! woooh. They just took the IV out. I got my clothes back... I'm ready to party.
  17. thanks I feel better already. I wanna get the hell outta here.... I have a roommate... bleh. I have weird stuff all over my legs and stomach too... anybody have this done before?? They said my stone was HUGE! lol... maybe not huge but it was larger than the 5mm they thought.
  18. Justin, you are such a sweetheart, pissing in my honor. I <3 U. that might be the meds speaking. I officially hate hospitals and needles, but love that some guy who had no clue talked with me about thermoelectrics for 10 mins to keep my mind off my IV... my kidney hurts. :-/
  19. OsuMj

    District 9

    yes, that pic was funny. did anyone else get annoyed by the number of times blood hit the screen?? The movie was good, but this started to get distracting for me.
  20. I'll keep this in mind. I might be able to attend.
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