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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I'll be there if I can (physically), but only for a bit, I gotta keep moving out of my apt!!
  2. That is pure crazy... I went for a little less than a month and it was pure joy to only check my email a couple times while there.
  3. I'm pretty good. I've been packing and moving while I still can :) what about you. How are you feeling??? :)

  4. :D I'm doin alright. I'm back in the hospital on tuesday for another surgery :-/ but other than that, i'm peachy. What about you?? I haven't heard from ya in a while.
  5. OsuMj


    This was on the front page of "Coshocton Tourism"...
  6. I don't have either of those... I'll have to work on that.

  7. im ok! lol. one more surgery

  8. mmmk, one more surgery... They're gonna play video games in my kidney. The doctor actually explained it as "we're going to hit the stone with a laser then use a little basket to scoop up all of the pieces" lol. So anyway, Tuesday is when it happens. :-/ I just want to ride my bike again :(
  9. I would ROFL if that happened... then give you a hug and say "aww... I didn't know you liked boys"
  10. eww... that grosses me out for some reason.
  11. I might be out, it depends on how I'm feeling. I've been having some weirdness where my IV was, and have been feeling unusually good today, so that has to be an indicator of bad things to come... lol. Anyway, I think Chris said he might want to go out too, so he'll drive me if i'm feeling good. Thanks Lance :)

  12. ooh, i like it. that's clever does someone need to stop watching Seinfeld so much?? lol.
  13. OsuMj

    My first (pet) dog

    congrats! your puppy is adorable
  14. well... it was for you... so maybe you should milk yourself so that you stop crying?
  15. yeah, i can't get the image of his floppy finger out of my head. Glad it didn't turn out worse.
  16. I heard a girl by the pool last month roll over and ask her friend (something along the lines of), "what does 'do the helen keller and talk with your hips' mean?" Her friend said, "helen keller was blind and deaf"... The first girl still seemed confused...
  17. oh... 8/28... hrm, ok, rule me out then. Sorry.. :-/ Congrats though!!!!
  18. I can't drink yet :-/ maybe I'll be the sober person there...
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