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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I wanna text you soooo bad.


  2. much appreciated. Everyone has been super sweet, and it makes me really happy to know that a lot of people on here have my back when I get stuck like this. You guys rock.
  3. This is actually a really nice house in a really nice neighborhood. I was more than suprised to find it like this, because everything else in the neighborhood is so beautiful and well kept. yeah, kinda what I said... slightly nicer, but not much! and risk waking up in the middle of the night with you hovering over me? Thanks.... buuuuut.... uh huh... I'll keep that in mind. after I said something to you about it, I started to regret it bc with how shady she's been on this. True story. I spoke to the free OSU law peeps and they said that I would have to give her a written notice saying that if the bathroom isn't done by a certain date, I would move out and expect my money back etc. Unfortunately, by the time I get back from my trip, the bathroom will be complete, so I don't have any way to break the contract without oweing her money. HOWEVER, I found out that she hasn't paid like a year's worth of water bills and my water is supposed to be turned off on 10/1, so if that happens, rent is going into escrow! This is gonna be a fun year.
  4. If I get back from SF and my bathroom isn't done, that very well might happen.
  5. appreciate it kids My apartment is supposed to be done on tuesday, so I have my fingers crossed that it won't be another lie. I think I was too nice to the lady, then she thought she could take advantage of me. She actually said to me at one point "child, you are starting to annoy me" She's lucky I'm easy going, bc I was offended.
  6. OsuMj

    100 9702

    lochness monster.
  7. yeah... this is actually a REALLY nice neighborhood though... mix of harrison west and victorian village... pretty low crime rate.

  8. OMG... so we could all get together and 'prove a point' by shitting in her yard. lol. I think I love you guys
  9. i'm on it! I actually already set up an appt for tomorrow. I know I could get out of the lease... but I like my apt!... if it were clean...
  10. I think I could only get my money back... only worth it if I want to move and she won't give my money back to me I think... ?
  11. I signed back in July and the landlord's story was that the previous renter left the place a disaster and that she would have it srsly cleaned before I moved in - which is what would be expected. Also promised the bathroom renovations would be complete the saturday before I moved in. It has officially been 12 days since I moved in and its still not done. The previous renter left in the middle of his lease, left a huge mess, clothes in the closet, etc, so I dumbly assumed he was the problem... now I see why he moved. My landlord has resorted to calling me names and trying to demean me... I'm strongly considering moving... this is a bit much even for me. PLUS, the apartment is HUGE, beautiful woodwork, awesome neighborhood, 100ft from my place of employment... generally sweet... in my opinion, totally incompetent landlord though.
  12. I am pretty close to giving up. My landlord may be (imo) one of the most difficult people to deal with - EVER! I "moved" into my apartment and found this: That would be my "toilet". This would be some of the mess that wasn't cleaned up yet: So after 8 days of imposing on others bc I can't live in the apartment that has no bathroom, my landlord was suprised when I called to say that I was tired of waiting and that the level of effort needed to be raised... now, she's is trying to lock me out of my house WITH MY THINGS INSIDE!! I spoke with a police officer, they suggested that I could break in as long as I take responsibility for the damages... *evil laugh*
  13. I didn't have the internet. Hell, I just got my toilet installed today... I KNOW!!! I'm gonna throw 15 cents at him next time I see him.
  14. Good luck with your recovery. It sounds like you have an amazing outlook on life.
  15. The ride was nice. Spencer and I stopped at Taco Bell then took 315 back... less traffic on the way back in I think.
  16. you talked at me when I texted you... cheap ass. I feel unspecial. You guys didn't even wait for me to show up... except Kos.
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