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Posts posted by OsuMj

  1. Man, I really wanted a few beers last night but I was with the family so I had to settle for a margarita at Chipotle. Actually 'settle' is a bad word, their margs are yummy!

    Jagr, I had that Jeremiah Red when we were all at BJs the other day and it was really good. You'll have to try it next time you go there.....

    I didn't even know Chipotle had margaritas... I think it may be my favorite 'restaurant' now.

  2. I think humans taste like chicken.... at least MJ does anyway.... :lol:(just kiddin)


    haha, so you guys tease each other all the time and never add the "(just kiddin)" in there. I think I laughed equally hard at that.

  3. I've seen that Sierra Nevada shit for YEARS! I've never had the gonads to try it. What would you compare it to in taste honestly MJ?

    I'm still in shock that a YOUNG WOMAN likes Arrogant Bastard. You are a mans woman!:cool::lol:


    i'm not sure what to compare it to, but by taste, I noticed the carbonation first, and it has a little bitter kick at the end. It wasn't terrible, but I bought a 6 pack and I'm not sure I'm gonna finish it.

  4. Ok, here's one I heard from a friend of mine yesterday who works in a lab:

    I was putting a pressure release valve on a dewar, and this girl I worked with yelled across the lab "dude, wrong hole!" to which I responded... "that's what she said".

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