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Posts posted by OsuMj

  1. I seen this one at World Market and bought it today. I had to buy it after I read the label.

    The bastard is mine tomorrow night.

    Have you had it before???

    I've had it. I don't remember what it was like, but I remember ordering a second, so it must not have been bad.


  2. I've been on this ridiculous 'that's what she said' kick lately. I'll share a few, but I want to hear yours.

    Mmmk, so I was at work the other day and our accountant was talking about the plane crash in the Hudson and I overheard him say "He really put it in there nice and slow"... that's what she said.

    I was walking to class this morning and two ladies behind me were talking about Boss Dogs on campus, and the one says "Oh, do you like hot dogs?" and the other one replies " OH yeah! A good hot dog every once in a while is really great" ... that's what she said.

  3. People in cars have been hard core pissing me off lately too. I don't understand why it isn't harder to get a driver's license? You are essentially handing someone a license to operate a deadly weapon, and they give them to pretty much anyone! Last time I was at the BMV, there were people who were NOTICEABLY cheating on the computer test on stupid things like what road signs meant, and they got 5 warnings.

    And everyone wonders why there are so many people killed on bikes.

  4. La Fin du Monde isn't bad... its a 9%, but it's not overwhelming.

    a friend of mine had more than a few and woke up the next day hung over and told me "I was drinkin el fin du mond or something like that and I feel like shit" to which i replied " dude, you were drinking a beer called 'the end of the world', yeah"

  5. Sam Adam's Summer Ale

    Anyone had Sam Adam's Utopia? It's like $300 a bottle on ebay and it's supposedly the beer with the most alcohol content.

    I saw a site claiming $100 a bottle, I think if I had 3 other people to go in on a purchase, if it was $100, I might give it a shot. 12 years to brew aparently?? geeze.

  6. The severe weather warnings are issued by the National Weather Service...so blame them not the weather channel. What really sucks is when we have bad weather all the local channels interrupt the regular programming every 2 mins. to tell us its still snowing or the wind is still blowing. Bastards. :beating:

    Yeah, that doesn't bother me that much unless it happens during the office. Are there any good shows on during the day?

  7. I, for one, welcome a big loud thunderstorm :D It'll be nice to finally get stuff cleaned up outside; I'm tired of seeing the ugly road dirt that's built up all over everything from the mounds of plowed snow melting.

    yeah! I enjoy a good thunderstorm... hopefully we actually get one!!!

    I don't like the little piles of dog poo that people leave all over the place in the snow... then the snow melts and the poo doesn't. yeah.

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