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Posts posted by OsuMj

  1. you've been influenced by people that don't have the right information, you need to develop your own faith, research on your own and find what suits you best. As long as you have a deep personal relationship with your faith, no one should be able to dissuade you. You know what's right for you. just as I know whats right for me... faith is a personal discovery, and no 2 people are going to feel the exact same way about it.

    I agree.

  2. yeah, I realize that it wasn't a "catholic" thing, but i am often surprised by the way people who claim to be religious act. I think i just have a lot of bad experiences with religious people. Here's another example, I knew a lady who often would go around telling people that they were sinners and pointing out all the bad things they have done, but with a little math, I figured out that she had baby less than 5 months after she was married, so who is she to run around and tell other people that they are sinning.

    I've always been put off by religions that are excluding people in their "ceremonies". I would think that most of our religions are centered about a god who teaches forgiveness and acceptance, but some organized religions and churches don't practice that themselves.

    Another thing, I found myself sitting in church one time for 2 hours while the guy talked about how we should do good stuff for others. lets say 2 hours a week, once a week, say 25 weeks out of the year. thats 50 hours that could have been spent doing good stuff rather than talking about it.

    back to the signs though, this is a prime example of why i don't feel compelled to become and state my religion as anything in particular. They're paying so much money for signs on sides of buses that will effectively do nothing but act as a retaliation against the atheists who put the first signs up. There's people who are starving and dying of all sorts of terrible things that would do anything for clean water, food, clothing, simple medications... I just think it could go for better things.

  3. It was hard decision but had to drive past a white castle to get skyline in my belly.


    I'm a hater:(...buuut, eating in white castle makes me feel like i'm eating in a public restroom.

  4. I this I've had some Woodchuck hard Cider, but not raspberry.

    Yeah, the cider isn't horrible, but the raspberry is yummy. The most selection I've seen out of beer/alcohol is in cincy at the party store ( i think??) That's where I have in the past found the weird beers that I've tried.

  5. Yeah its true.

    That was actually the very thing that started pushing me away from religion in the first place. People who were very religious never seemed to have anything positive to say. Also, one of my friends once said because she was catholic, if we both lead identical lives and died the same death she would be accepted into heaven before me because she's catholic and i am not. silly.

  6. +1 TW was terrible. I was on the phone for hours trying to get them to just speak to me so that I could tell them the internet was out. And it would go out waaay too often.

    I have insight. Its $80 for high speed internet & cable ... not super cheap, but it always works!

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