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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I'm in too. That's stellar Let us know when you have the details!!
  2. yeah 'burn after reading' was so random. i kept asking myself, what is the point??
  3. so "thugs" in chuck norris t's danced in circles around people then punched them... i think its safe to say that people are becoming dumber.
  4. OsuMj


    any brands i should be looking for?
  5. OsuMj

    59 Car Pile Up

    http://www.wisn.com/news/18457307/detail.html This article is better and has a video...
  6. OsuMj

    59 Car Pile Up

    http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-01-11-nh-crash_N.htm How do 59 cars pile up???? wow.
  7. I find myself creeped out by something I see on this forum every day... this was what did it for me today.
  8. OsuMj


    Well... too many times to count really, but only one of them hurt. I started going a little too fast for comfort and flew forward, hit the ground with stiff arms and cracked every bone in my back and neck. Hurt like hell for about 2 mins, then the pain when away... and now its back. :-D I haven't even gotten out of bed yet because I don't know if my legs are gonna work. I'm excited for my next trip though, so if anyone feels like teaching me a thing or two, I'm probably up for it.
  9. Hey, welcome! I really like your glamour shot in front of the bridge. :-D
  10. Really?? ... reeeaaallllyy? i thought it was funny.
  11. Ah, thanks. I haven't restarted my comp in 3 weeks, so that sounds good to me.
  12. OsuMj


    Ugh, I just woke up and struggled to lift my computer up. I'm soo sore!
  13. I have Vista on my new computer and it hates internet explorer. I have a freeze at least once a day when I use it. Other than that and the 20 questions as to whether I want to proceed with something I just got done telling it to do, no problems.
  14. OsuMj


    I tried snowboarding for the first time today. With only one really bad fall, I think I really like it. I want to buy a snowboard. Anyone got tips? And besides snowtrails, any place that is good for boarding?
  15. i've never seen it. It was cute.
  16. Haha, I know. I packed up and went to Europe for a month. Came back and started two jobs and grad school. Finally got my schedule down, so I'm back I feel like I might need an update on whats been going on the past three months though...
  17. OsuMj


    yeah, i've only ever snowmobiled in open fields (farms) and northern Michigan... I heard Mohican had some trails?
  18. Yeah it would! Drinks and a karaoke machine (or bar)... what else do we need??? I'm picturing some great performances right now...
  19. haha, yes! Has anyone see Never Ending Story 2 & 3... I'm considering investing some time to watch.
  20. They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they? -- its soooo sad!
  21. wooh, i'm glad you guys chimed in there. I wasn't sure what to say to that. Hrmm, we should have an OR karaoke night.
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