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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. Leaving soon, one more stop at the bank!
  2. howie stopped there on the way to pick me up and said he didn't see anything and mcd's said they didn't have it. I think i'm sol.
  3. I remember meeting you I was originally just planning on going alone for the sake of having an alone ride and hike, but after today, I'm over it. I think you guys are going to be on the road before I can be, so don't worry about it.
  4. I would love some company The dmv doesn't open until 8am and my bank doesn't open till 9am. I don't want to hold anyone up, but if leaving from cbus at 9:30 would fit anyone's schedule, I'm in. bonus: I'm already packed
  5. Oh, and another + , I got to test out my brake job and coolant flush in cincy traffic.
  6. Well, I shoulda been pulling in right now, instead I'm back in cbus. I had enough gas to get me just north of Cincy and howie met me and filled up my tank and we came back. I lost all of my credit cards, phone, license, proof of insurance, and registration. I still can't figure out how. I had a knife in the same pocket that managed to not fall out. . . I have checked my backpack like 5 times because I keep convincing myself they must be in there. Today was just not a good day. I started out in the rain, was ok with that. I had to stop and wait at an underpass because the rain got so bad I couldn't see well enough to continue. Finally hit the road again and lost all my stuff. After I realized I didn't have any of my stuff, someone pulled into the gas station and I asked him (with tears in my eyes) if I could use his phone and he said no. Luckily the gas station attendant let me use her phone, and luckily, every McDonalds has free wifi and I always carry my laptop with me. On the bright side, I have never been outside of Ohio on my bike until today. I spent a good 20 minutes in kentucky, so whoo i guess. Also, Party Up by DMX started playing the second I started crossing the ohio river and all of the traffic cleared while i was on the bridge, so it was fun. If the weather isn't shit, I'm going to give it another shot tomorrow. I'm going to buy a pay as you go phone tonight from wally world, stop by the BMV and get a new license in teh morning. I have an extra insurance card on file (I think), and my bank prints credit cards at the branch, so hopefully I can be back in business and on the road by 10am.
  7. I'm not going to make it tonight, maybe not at all. I've managed to lose my phone, ID, credit cards in Ohio and I'm stuck in the middle of fucking KY with nothing. Howards coming to get me
  8. ugh, i made it to the outlet mall, I'm freezing. I'm stopped at McDs for a coffee to warm up. I stopped under an overpass because I couldn't see the raod in front of me and I was dripping water off of me. It looks like it finally stopped raining, gonna hit the road again soon. I'm not even out of Ohio yet
  9. I'm leaving in 15 minutes! really late start.... doubting that i will do the long hike, but i'm still stopping at cumberland falls.
  10. ok, good deal. thanks!
  11. ok, that's the part that's freakin me out, what is too hot? I don't want hot coolant to burn me! I probably just need to suck it up and handle it.
  12. I am so excited right now.... and a little scared to test out my maintenance on the bike. I'm kind of regretting not just taking it to a shop and getting it done, but too late now I guess. I have to finish adding coolant in the morning and put the fairings back on and I'll be ready to hit the road
  13. Ok, I drained the coolant, sent some DI water through it, closed it up, added a little over 2Qts of coolant (my bike takes 2.9 Qts). I know my next step is to start it up to make it bubble and get all of the air out of the system, but how hot do I let it get? Do I just let it run until there are no more bubbles? Honestly, I can barely even see when its bubbling because my air intake sits right on top of the radiator lid, but I was just wondering how long to let it run. Thanks!
  14. OK, in my attempt, I accidently sucked some air into the line from the resevoir - I didn't notice it went dry. So, I worked it through by adding more fluid and opening the bleed valve, pumping the brake, repeat, etc. Sooo, how do i know its ok and all the air is out? I kept going until I had 20 brake pumps without air. Is that enough or is there still air in there??
  15. brakes replaced! wish me luck on the fluids now
  16. yeah, just the head of the bolt. np. I'll pick up a new one at honda tmrw morning. if they don't have them, its probably still got a couple of sides that are good enough to use, but i'd rather just replace it so its not a bitch to remove later. I ended up wrapping awrench in a cloth and using it. Worked
  17. one down, one to go. I stripped a bolt getting it off though.... ug. morning honda run to get a new one
  18. thanks. I actually am replacing the brake fluid too (if i can find where i put my freakin fluid that i just bought yesterday )... I'm having a hard time compressing the pistons by hand and tried using a screw driver with a cloth over the end so i don't scratch em up.... any other advice for how to do this? Do i just squeeze them back? Im always afraid i'm going to break my bike.
  19. It seems pretty straight forward, remove brake pads, clean it up, install new brake pads. Anything that I should know before I finish?
  20. I hope the weather is nice tomorrow.
  21. I kinda miss being able to see peoples join date in their member info on the posts.
  22. I've had 2 professional haircuts in my life. One of them resulted in a pony tail for several months after, the other resulted in my sister seeing me and starting to cry while she said "it's so bad". I cut my own hair now. On that note, I'm sure your wife is very talented.
  23. I packed! I'm planning on stopping by cumberland falls for some hiking on the way down, so I probably won't be in till later. I'm guessing 7-9pm.
  24. got my AAA membership set up! you know... just in case something breaks.
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