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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. OsuMj


    From the album: Misc.

  2. I want to put troll hair on your avatar
  3. I was corrected once before :
  4. my friend has an inline filter in his camelback. I think that's my next purchase, its pretty nice, you can just put the water in the bag and start drinking.
  5. OsuMj

    Adopt me!

    From the album: Misc.

  6. I have an ex500 that i started on and that bike has been down so many times and it still works great. The fairings are terrible, cracked, scratched, barely being held on by some zip ties, but the bike runs great despite everything its been through. I picked it up for less than a grand and had to replace the chain and handle bar. I think you could pick one up for cheap.
  7. definitely. when i'm getting ready for a big hike I usually pack high calorie foods so I don't need to carry as much.... I know spam is gross, but if you put it in a plastic bag its light and it packs a lot of calories, and its delicious over camp fire.
  8. Well, I didn't say I don't have a problem killing live fish, I still feel bad, and I'm still pretty grossed out about it, but I can do it. Its a mental thing but a furry little wood creature seems harder than a fish. Yep, this is my weak point for survival.
  9. I had a friend who spent 6 months in Dubai (i believe) and loved it, then she traveled to other places then went to Mumbai for like 3 months, and hated it. She said she had a lot of bad experiences and it just wasn't as nice... I'm sure its like 'murica... nice places and crappy places. With that being said, I would love to travel India, but its not in my top 5 right now, so that means I probably won't do it in the next 5 years.
  10. Yes, my first preference would be fishing... and I'm pretty good at it. I'm sure if I was hungry enough, it wouldn't be such a problem, but the first couple of days that would be something that i would have to overcome. I'm with ya on the radio thing. Makes good sense to at least be able to listen in and see what is going on. If we're being invaded from the east coast, I would not be headed east.... or if the major cities were all disaster areas, I would want to steer clear.... or if the river I was hanging out near had biological poisons released in it, that would be good to know.
  11. Well, its not a real party if you don't have to apologize the next day.
  12. This is a weak point for me. I'm a decent shot, but I would have to be close to starving if I'm going to personally kill and skin an animal. I don't like the thought of my dinner having been alive at some point.... I know its a little hypocritical, but what can i do
  13. OsuMj

    My first (pet) dog

    agree! beautiful dog, glad he's back to normal
  14. OsuMj

    wrecked bike

    To be honest, I understand where he is coming from, if he's telling the truth. If someone, anyone (family included - just because you 'made' the child doesn't mean you can be shitty), repeatedly disrespected me by going against my wishes, that would upset me. Exarch is taking it a bit far - probably the alcohol - but damn, everyone else in here is claiming what a saint they would be if this happened to them.... I'll be honest, I would be upset. On the other hand, I left my bike at a family member's house over the winter a few times when I didn't have a garage. If I knew that they were taking it out against my wishes or otherwise disrespecting my property, I would have the common sense to move it so that they couldn't. If you're mature enough to have a motorcycle, you're mature enough to plan for storing it somewhere that it won't be f'd with. Hopefully you and your dad can get over this and start having some respect for each other - clearly from both of your guy's threads it seems you don't care if you piss each other off and taunt each other in front of thousands of people on the internet. Life's short and there's a good chance you'll regret acting like this someday soon. Hope this works out for you.
  15. off the top of my head: beef jerkey & peanut butter - good calories, fats if you need them, salty to help with hydration stuff bottle of water (1L) - you can survive on this for a few days if needed extra set of clothes & shoes - in case you get wet, cold, smelly, can also be used for survival tools knife - one that could be multifunctional... size large contact case, solution, glasses - I'm blind as shit without them, the zombies will get me extra hair bands - they have utility beyond keeping my hair off my neck while i'm hiking but, let's be realistic, a go bag with no destination in mind doesn't make sense. If i'm just trying to grab stuff to get out of the city and think i'll be to safety within a day, all i need is my transportation.
  16. I wanna go, but I don't want it to be just a camping trip. ... I mean, I'm always up for a camping trip, but if we're doing bug out practice, I want to hike 5 to 15 miles before camping. I want to practice the the things that I know I'm bad at. I can hike 15 miles, I can carry 40 lbs, I can start a fire.... idk how I am at catching food, I think it would be interesting to try to build a shelter instead of setting up a tent.
  17. I've got eyes and ears everywhere
  18. I'll have to check to see what it was. Can't remember which one we were using I completely agree with this. Your bag should depend on your plan. I think a lot of people who put these bags together think that they're going to be able to carry their 60-70lb bags for 10 or more miles, but they are absolutely dreaming (in most cases) especially if you're trying to get somewhere fast. You find that you need a lot less than you think you do. I'm a bit of a minimalist though. SO, what's your plan stump? Are you trying to make it to another city to meet up with people? are you trying to get to the woods to survive until another opportunity presents itself? Another plan? After you get your bag together, you should definitely try it out. I am all about doing the bug out weekends we were talking about earlier if people are still interested.
  19. ran a 5k this morning - spent the first 2 miles regretting the cheesy gordita crunch, cheese sticks, and 4 beers I had for dinner last night.
  20. I've got WOW in Hilliard - cheap, works great, no complaints. I had TWC near campus - horrible. Poor customer service, I spent several hours on the phone with them over the course of 2 years because the service kept going out and they always blamed us, but somehow magically fixed it when I told them to credit our account for the time it wasn't working. I had Insight in Gahanna and it worked fine but was expensive because they had a monopoly over my apt complex.
  21. true story... i think an infraction is in order. i also think he's attention whoring.
  22. I'm kinda scared of horses... I would describe it as a 'healthy' fear though.
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