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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I didn't say any of that - but they're using her emotions about her inability to plan for bad things happening "I was scared. I cried. I shook" to evoke emotions about Walmart. Is that fair? If I was scared, cried, and shook because you said something mean to me on the internet, when I knew that there was a possibility that you would and I would have my feelings hurt and I came to the internet anyway, would you support the notion that you're a horrible person because I didn't plan appropriately? OR would you say my skin was too thin and blame me for my emotions? If you have 5 children, and the possibility of you losing your job isn't something that you plan for, then you're a moron. Your feelings about you being a moron shouldn't be used to demonize a company. IMO.
  2. http://www.pulitzer.org/archives/6828 This is what I was talking about before though. Demonizing a store/company when the "victims" are people who have 5 children and are the "chief breadwinner" in their family at <$15 an hour. Yeah, she was upset she lost her job, but tell me that she didn't benefit from paying the lower prices that wally world offers to buy her litter of children stuff.
  3. OsuMj


    I think that was the point... ??
  4. OsuMj

    Fostered dog

    Totally agree. EVERY dog has the propensity to attack, it just depends on how scared they are.
  5. I had a virus that did that to me once. I don't think its OR.... does it do it on other sites?
  6. I think that only like 20% of the people there are ridiculous (depending on which wally world you're at and what time of day/night), but those people are SO ridiculous, that it seems like 97% are annoying. You don't notice the quiet people with silent children picking out vegetables. You do notice the flailing armed lady yelling on her cell phone and taking 20 minutes to move out of an isle so you can get some freakin peanut butter.
  7. I'd like to read it. All I ever hear is about how Wmart puts people out of business and its not fair (Hello free market! and the basis of how 'merica works). In general, most of their products are cheap products. If I want quality, I'll pay more and go somewhere that offers quality products. It's like the difference between campus pizza and suburb pizza - cheap or quality. I'll pay a little bit more for a pizza that isn't gross.
  8. I'm going to throw this out there - the fear of having unions created in some places keeps them playing fair. I worked in a factory for about 6 months and they pretty much came out and said, we want to make sure that you're happy so that you don't form a union. That was the only reason, not because they want a happy healthy work environment, because they didn't have to deal with a union.
  9. On that note, this will be my last visit to OR. Happiness awaits.
  10. Isn't pandora like $4 a month to get rid of the ads? I'd say sign up for a month and then get rid of it if you don't want it anymore.
  11. glad you made it through ok. Maybe we'll have a warm december again
  12. The bodily harm thing is more for when we have meet and greets. Its a don't fight at our group events rule.
  13. thank goodness we don't do that here. I'm not a big fan of babysitting.
  14. yeah, I'm right handed. I might start practicing with my right eye. I need to work on general placement as well. The recoil was hurting my collar bone last time.
  15. I think there's a couple "pictures of you" in here. turtle.
  16. a flexing twinkie.... it all makes sense now.
  17. I didn't feel like starting a new thread, but I'll just say that I just got a new jacket from RD. It was super cheap and super fast. I got the icon hella in all black. Thanks RD & Nate!!
  18. Is anyone here left eye dominant? I have been shooting rifles left handed.
  19. Very often.... from now on. Totally telling guys they are good looking starting today - the triangle has changed my life.
  20. I like texas too. Its warm there. Last i checked they get paid more and their cost of living is less (Houston at least). I like how they drive too - no hitting the breaks unless you're stopping.
  21. I buy new towels on black friday - its kinda dumb, but the towels are the big ones and they are usually only $2 or around there.... so much cheaper than buying them at normal price. Usually end up with a new pair of shoes and some clothes at kohl's.... although at last count I had over 80 pairs of shoes, so I should probably stop that tradition. last year my sister's bf got a pretty great deal on a giant tool chest at sears. He got there like 15 mins before they opened, my sister and I went to get breakfast while he got it, then continued on.
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