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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. hmm....to myself a pair of atomic nomad bluemoon skis with atomic bindings and pair of head edge 9+ boots......
  2. Kosmo

    Good first SLR

    http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-10416652-264.html Ben posted it in facebook !!!
  3. Kosmo


    aww......I want one !!!
  4. Me thinks is a dog...... voted !!!!
  5. DTC choregrapher will coordinate the after party......patrons interested (both sexes) in providing lap dances....contact me to register.....you may not choose the dancer, it will be a lottery (from a jar) and the compensation will be "a drink"....you may not receive any money for your service "by DTC law":rulez:.....sheep is OK but must be behind the seen......
  6. welcome.....have fun !!!
  7. are we getting a winter fun boarding/skiing party ????
  8. Haha......I am the SOB up north......when I rode it was 17 with -6F windchill....and gusting at 35-40......what I did I am just copy pasting from facebook.... I don't have heated gear, just the ski gear works fine, boots, a ski pant on my jeans, a regular columbia jacket on sweatshirt...ski gloves, a ski polartec balaclava under the helmet and you are fine.....the ski glove and the balaclava/mask are the two most important stuff to keep the temperature out, if your neck area leaks air in the jacket/helmet....you are toast......that's it....try it...but at your own risk.....
  9. Kosmo

    New Year's Party?

    I need more info on that.......
  10. Thoughts, prayers and best wishes.......she will be fine...no worries....
  11. Hey dude....yep I know...and congrats again.....I am sure you are damn excited. In fact I rode to work today....will do unless they put salt on the road....LOL !!! In the off season look around the web and read different stuff so by spring you will be technically sound before the action....Good Luck and have a wonderful Holiday.

  12. Happy Bday.....enjoy .......
  13. Haha.....it's a "KAWIZUKI." .......mutts are great
  14. ......and he drinks guiness like me..... looks like lots of fun...........
  15. Congrats to Jason and Scott....I just couldn't login for last two weeks often due to work........great that all worked out for you guys.....
  16. happy turkey day all...................thanks to everybody and group hug.....
  17. I heard Ann Arbor gals give good head......no joke seriously from a Penn State dude...... Bucks prevailed.......Mich was pathetic in the 4th........
  18. haha........damn......go bucks !!!! done......
  19. Kosmo

    THE Game Week

    Fonz.....my heartfelt........
  20. somebody got lyndse's creativity........
  21. skiing and guinness.....then scotch.....you are my kind of man Haha let me know when you folks head out......I will join you folks......
  22. dang........glad to hear you are OK......take care man
  23. my...my.....fellow thread hookers........I got busy.......but checked all of the thread.....lots of opinions and resources, ideas that's what I want out of a thread like this. You don't have to agree with me neither do I.....but that's how a debate should go....it's all good.....and just to remind everybody....."IT'S NEVER PERSONAL" from me...... Lastly my hats off and kudos to all and forget not that who by service or by policy trying to make the world a better and safer place....... "That's enough of my drunky political speech"
  24. damn......looks like if there's good snowI will be skiing.....and see mj.... somewhere in NY........
  25. happy bday good fellas.....be good to yo twin brothas...no fight on beers and the ladies....
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