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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. I got Mich pilot road 2s for the ZZR from Mcycle superstore....I feel killer.....
  2. Please don't stir it up again.......but just to let you guys know....the mishap after the party is off the book.....I got a killer lawyer (but I broke my bank)....and the charges dropped...... I drink only "iced tea"..........shut up ........not long island.....lipton..... :hbleft:
  3. Check it out pretty interesting !!! http://www.cleveland.com/pdq/index.ssf/2010/01/gluttony_pays_off_thanks_to.html
  4. OK....as per Mandie's advice......we are riding 26th February (Friday) evening at Mad River......followed by drinking.....who is in ???? ...and then....."I am at the lodge, waiting"........:lol:
  5. I will be at Mad River February 27-28 for the kids race program.....so if you guys have a chance to come out....it will be fun......
  6. You are most welcome to crash in my place......bump for other people as well.....It will be just me, one hamster and one cat in the house...that's all.... I can provide two bedrooms and three couches (one with pull out bed) Address : 4110 Stilmore Road South Euclid OH 44121 PM/text me or call : 216 410 0424, you can even decide at the last moment....your call....
  7. and you are not coming to sleep at my house unless u r a homo...medina...brunswick....and south euclid is at marrs
  8. OK on the otherhand I will have open door policy for the 30th, no one will be there... I have three bedrooms (I can sleep in the kiddos bedroom) so two bedrooms free and I have three couches downstairs........so everybody is welcome to stay......gangbang will be allowed except don't involve our cat and hamster......if you plan on bringing a sheep or goat please pick up after her..... Now seriously anybody can crash at my place, wife in Charleston, Kiddo will go for sleepover.......so no problem what so ever.....open invitation..... My place is in South Euclid two minutes from I 271
  9. hmmmmm and you got a white cargo one with grills on windows.....on the floor and no tell tale for being white.....seems you gonna talkin bitchness....
  10. just saw it now......hahaha.......congrats to the dad !!!!
  11. OK may I request Crystal as the server again.....and Amber at the bar along with Rose will be nice as well.........personal request from the choreographer.....
  12. Happy BDay man Enjoy !!!
  13. Kosmo


    I am kinda stuck every Friday/Staurday/Sunday with the kids three ski race leagues.....blah blah blah....I will be at Mad River on February 27 and 28 as the kid will race there.....if I have time/option I will join you folks....the winter is very tight for me no as I am managing the mom less kid....
  14. I got an extra firm pillow.....cause I used to complain about stiff neck....
  15. you gotta friend......welcome
  16. welcome am not too far.....merry christmas
  17. I am not starting any argument...... my praying is a wish for goodluck for all from me "humanity" is the supreme being to me with the potential existence in each human being....
  18. Kosmo

    Polar Bear Run

    Sorry I will be in Charleston otherwise I would do it
  19. Chirstmas huggies everyone......lighter for the dudes.....tighter for the ladies
  20. I just don't understand......why people can't be a part of any festive occasion and why will they be offended by "Merry Christmas" "Happy Id" well as I understand the lack of tolerance leads to the cause of highest number of deaths from only one single thing from time immemorial "the religion" Some picture of the city Calcutta, India during Christmas, where I am from originally. In this city about 70% of the population is Hindu and 15% each of Muslim and Catholic.....but all the occasions are celebrated equally.... With no offense to anybody...I am an atheist, don't believe in god or religion (but I am not a communist either) and damn celebrated every festive occasion in my home with all the bells, whistles and happiness. Yes and I do pray before start of a race or trackday. Hard to believe for some but atheism and believers exist side by side in my daily life. Christmas morning 2009
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