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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. wow...that ride rocks....welcome from South Euclid.....enjoy.....
  2. "you guys playing with MJ ????"........ "hookers and blow"........cause all dates are fine by me.......
  3. did I post here before....if not welcome from South Euclid.....
  4. I think I saw that License to drive with bunch of gals in high school ?? 1988-89 ??? shit........big mistake...... RIP:p
  5. Congrats......How niice !!!!
  6. CONGRATS....how cute.....
  7. RIP Pops.....you will be dearly missed

  8. ohh....so sorry to hear that.....my condolences to the family and friends....I support the idea of a memorial ride.....
  9. who needs a tv....??? not me.... thoughts for the victims........
  10. Damn.....happy belated BDay.......I am slow these days................
  11. damn good day......hell yeah.......
  12. We need to do some of this kinda bike wash.....this year....who's volunteering....I am sure moose will.......they need to do it in Cbus and Cleveland too not only in Dayton.....folks.....photo ops.......
  13. that smokes.....dude...noice....
  14. somebody tried my trick and got caught..........
  15. impressive thread......dang.....niice......
  16. Hey Happy BDay man....just I am lil lazy late.....hope you had fun....
  17. welcome from South Euclid.....
  18. Kosmo

    Hi, the railroad is very close to Coshocton......

  19. Sure....I will accept the congrats.......cause my wife said me "a fugger though" ....no I said first"hookers and blow" then she said........
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