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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. Kosmo

    halloween 004

    LOL....that's sweet....
  2. no escorts in Prague.........
  3. Kosmo


    bravo yota......you are the nam !!!
  4. It's all OK dude.......it's all debate and in a good heart....I am not even near perfect (I will not evenly remotely think) and nobody is......so it's all good
  5. jeese......middle eastern countries are also..... UAE OMAN Qatar Kuwait Jordan Israel Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Azerbaizan Georgia Armenia Turkey it's sad.....all I can say.....
  6. are you seroius ????? attempted homicide ........
  7. damn....gald to know he's OK......and that RC was so cool.........
  8. Haha......I know and agree.....I am pissed of with the Hummer from China though.....just kidding......
  9. sorry that wasn't for all........only Tom....our regular info exchange with respect.......
  10. Tom, did not expect that from you.......in each (EVERY ONE OF THEM) India was attacked first or asked to support........not in its history they have attacked or occupied a country..........or even policed another country. Each year tens of thousand of people die from muslim terrorism in India, mainly from Pakistan......so why US is keeping its mouth shut about this (they now understand though)........when you can attack Iraq for Kuwait oil........cause USA sells F16s to Pakistan.........the two faces of one coin.....
  11. no it's the attitude of the people, which makes up the country.......i learned about analogy in first grade.....
  12. ^^^^^ I will drink a beer for you bud :lol: .....I being driven to Cleveland now from Chicago and enjoying the bucks and Iowa and this.......I will take over once the game is over....cause the grad student is calling me asshole every five miles.........he is from penn state so he doesn't care really.....
  13. so far it worked perfectly for me and justin (jrmmiii).....I guess if somebody checks my wife out in a bar, I buy him a drink rather than a fight.....so far worked perfectly for my 17 years of drinking life......even in ghetto Bronx gangsta bars........somebody told me "dude you have some nerves and bought me a drink back " who wins......???
  14. ^^^^will it work in a meat bar if I loose...20 lbs....then I will work on it.......
  15. debate like a man not a moron......the worlds best economy and superpower......why can't you educate people then ???? and you guys need brown skin third world country guys like me, many of them grew up in poverty, may be a hut.......to teach and treat your kids in college and hospitals ????? Yes these guys pay 35% tax and not illegal immigrants....
  16. I am from the land of Gandhi so I will do it better with pen paper and brain !!!
  17. next time I will choose my words more carefully before I compliment her cool toy !!!
  18. Really ????? http://mindprod.com/politics/iraqtortures.html
  19. A long court process and details can bring up lots of overlooked info and names which still may be a threat.......a quick trial and execution will not help that.....he will get it anyway......but are you guys worried that he is physically in NYC........come on fear mongers
  20. I had it couple of times after it was available from 2007. If you go to an Indian Restaurent they have after meal fennel as mouth freshners....it tastes like that.......no buzz.....thuzone have to be 10 ppm or less to sell it in hear....it's like a spicy/herby spirit
  21. u homo....... sooo coooool
  22. no no......SV650 according to me........
  23. Hey any time man....I am sending you a PM
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