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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. awesome idea and design....:bow: pure artwork....should go to a modern art museum
  2. retard another epic fail......kidin kidin
  3. Happ:balloons:y B'Day man....wish you many happy returns of the day...
  4. I liked it..... I was 7th/8th grade I guess....back on those days
  5. I ride with my daughter all the time since she was 4. I strap her along with me with a velcro belt (walmart used by the weight lifters). She wears full gear and full face helmet as well. I think magley saw her behind me in one bike night ride last year.
  6. RIP....can some geek build some flares built in the bike/jacket which will light automatically in a crash.......
  7. I go "I know what's wrong but I need you to fix it and I ain't gonna pay ya for some crap" well this is so common in car repair facilities. I once saw on TV that a speedy auto even didn't change oil and charged for it.....
  8. Great !!!! Few questions how is the view in bright sunlight, at night and what's the law....or a small pig spotter will keep you legal...just a thought. Will appreciate some pictures.
  9. Kosmo

    No caption

    Owned by DTC
  10. +1 ....and great picture guys.....had to bow out due to the graduation weekend
  11. oh....look at her....so cute....congrats to you and family..enjoy.
  12. ]death by fire....what a psycho.....
  13. Not Funny but still have to say "EPIC FAIL"
  14. Kosmo


    sweet.....that's my desktop
  15. Looks great !!! Thanks for sharing.....
  16. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy Birthday Mooooooooooooooooooose Looooooooooooooooots of beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer :hbleft:
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_hitler_waxwork
  18. Oh....man that look awesome....again a great work by Paul...and a sexy VFR you should be proud of....
  19. oh......sucks......so sorry to hear it max... Get it fixed and get well soon. Mine looks like this now....you should be OK......take care
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