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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. video removed ...break it up in two less than 10 mins
  2. best is shitty's winie pic..........
  3. Not always...you will see the sushi made in front of you so you will see the ingredinets............ http://www.cleveland.com/goingout/index.ssf/2008/04/restaurant_row.html we went to a place called Blue Canyon in Twinsburg for dinner....it is a upscale hip joint......I ordered a gourmet burger for fifteen bucks.....yack (I told them medium and it was served crunchy well done )......I was so disappointed.....our english ivy 7.95 burger......was even waaaay better......
  4. You guys rode in my part of the town and I missed it.....nice pictures JRMMii........had some guests...... went to the Watami Japanese Seafood Buffet next to the Parma town mall.......$8.99 all you can eat sushi and hot food......if you like sushi...check that place out.....
  5. no....you are good.....we like to hear the excitement.....as you get to know the people more.....get ready to get flamed.......it's all in a friendly way....don't take things seriously.....as you can laugh at others it is the best to join others laughing at you sometimes..... as people laugh at me all the time...when I go in a nonsense posting spree after a few shotz latenight.......
  6. Hey Nick....no no......I know you JK but still always give two thumbs up to newer riders/users..........and to people like me Great Job Sara
  7. I had a chance to hear that....first hand.....nothing nurse....just guy talk
  8. Is this that Barber story when the racer (Sutton Harvey ??) hit a corner worker to clear a dead bird from the track....both died....what a tragedy...RIP
  9. haha you know what today at the walmart kids aisle I saw that.....and said....shit......my daughter asked what ???? I am "nothing".......I knew I messed up.....what a coincidence......lol

  10. Niice...thanks for sharing
  11. awww....so sweet..the plane is flying on autopilot.....
  12. some yankee banged his wife .......
  13. we'll have guest from cbus....other way round....not funny.....
  14. shiiiiit......I missed all the drama.......
  15. autoerotic asphyxia gone bad
  16. I am taking down the bike to do some work.....so pass.....
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/06/04/obit.david.carradine/index.html
  18. glad that you are OK man....could be worse.....take it easy and goodluck...
  19. Hey...good to hear from ya....I am doin OK....the following link is a set of race replica....I emailed the guy named Michael (see the contact in the website) and he did only the monster for me for 20 bucks......It's strange that they donot have any Kawi specific stuff :confused:


    (here is the link but monster energy is gone...send the guy a email)

    email: info@alloutgraphics.com (attention Michael)

    Some more to see:



    Take care man.....see ya soon sometime

    Let me know if you have any questions

  20. madmax and me did it last year both ways....was indeed good and enjoyed it a lot but well many of the Coshocton roads are comparable. Mostly clean from gravels.... here are the pics
  21. This is good review http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-cleaning-polish/ This is the best according to them.... http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-cleaning-polish/meguiars-nxt-tech-wax.htm
  22. ^^^^to that dudes avtar cutie buxom.........and yeah that guy was mental...people were trying to get him down...he won't listen....
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