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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. looks very very cool.....
  2. I was one lucky one to see closely how duc1098rdr was handling this poetic machine in the Coshocton ride....just awesomeness...that's least to say
  3. Happy BDay...man...many happy returns.... that's the most gay banner I found....
  4. Baaa....happy B'Day....
  5. I am impressed that somebody tried to spell my real name haha......uncle punk was close but still not 100% It is Kaustubha......not Kaustabha....but still great..see I am Kosmo for a reason....I don't want people to break their teeth or keyboard for a name.....
  6. No.....ZX14 does not have to scream......it kills all silently......it was a show stopper as well...and finally nice to meet ya Nick.
  7. hey I thought it was a girl on the pony......that was the funniest moment on the whole ride....I slowed down and looked at the pony's face....it said "end of the world.....alien attack......run for your dear life" and ran into some backyard like a car with all four wheel out of balance and misaligned. :lol: The last part I missed and was told finally the girl was launched...
  8. +1 and wow...he was fast....
  9. The Cleveland Crew rolled into the Coshocton McDonald's lot around 12.15 Rides of the Cleveland Crews Oh...baby Mr. Parks backyard and garage as we rolled in Gas station stop in the first loop The break after the first loop and Adam's biceps...yeah he deserves it Another picture nazi caught in action.....JRMMIII The parking lot was in front of Adam's house...worked perfect Chillin The famous copper SV....JRMMII's ride...the vtwins sounds awesome The show stopper 1098....duc1098rdr's Ma bike...it's a black ZZR600 but I cheated & put a ZX6R sticker (as it's essentially a 98-02 ZX6R). The shorty is from IXIL and it sounds pretty badass. Remember the paintjob was done by attackpainter. Not too bad on my first 2009 ride and on a stock Dunlop D207.... that's not the f***ing tire (that's the worst stock you can have) you hit twisties with (I was all over the place, not really but I felt that way)....trying to get rid of it in another 2000 may be...that's not a lot as I commute daily...I was running with 31 psi front and 34 rear. The following set of pictures were taken by the group we ran into the NewPhilly gas station. I copied the pictures from there site http://ourbikesdontleak.com/ they took a lot of pics...
  10. Kosmo


    good season.....pathetic finish....well.....that's it
  11. Hey nice meeting you....and you are def a hell of a good rider....u were smoking that R6.....pretty impressed....

  12. OOohhh.....great post....and atleast I know where we were.... what a job Mr. Parks & company.....my first ride of 2009 will be a memorable one for long......
  13. Ninjanick beat me....for me 377.4 miles door to door..he got 405 .......
  14. OK..cavs..season over...my brain is not working now with beer and scotch..will update tomorrow..left my backpack at Adam's garage......I will have to pick it up again after some ctown ride ...thanks Adam and all the ctown guys....you guys did an awesome job.....we had a blast
  15. Good morning folks...I am up and will head out in an hour.....question about return ride......we will see I am flexible and will abide what suits all.....see all at 10.00....
  16. Great.....see....the leader is well chosen....I am flexible with time as well...I also think at the most two hours As of now it's 10.00 my ride to the starting is about an hour at speed limit (doh.. )...so I have to get out around 9.15 AM. Post any last minute updates....
  17. Ooops....not me but it's OK if I need to but I think we'll let Uncle Punk lead (he knows 83 I am sure) then.....well I'll have the map and the GPS in my backpack (in case the c-town folks leave us in the woods ).
  18. wow....you can name your street in ctown Nice updated first post Adam thanks....looks like we'll have a blast
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