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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. hey........I am from east side.......welcome gals will like ya....ron jeremy........
  2. I had a stripped screw and tried all good ol methods for few days. Today I picked up the Pro Grab it from the Home Depot. Boy....used the #3 and it pulled the screw straight out......thanks flounder for the great find...rep for ya
  3. What's the latest....am coming down.....
  4. Kosmo


    Nice !!!
  5. Hey do you know some outlets sell exhaust carbon fibre pipes, I find one in UK...plan to rebuild my shot Akra and make it shorty...will appreciate any input. Thanks
  6. Well still the wifey loves me because she thinks I am still that 19 year old college kid....My daughter is super supportive "daddy here is my table to keep your tools"......... My garage is separate and not heated so I thought a little rearrangement of the family room (the bike is family too) will help. The project includes the body works, some fairing stay straightning, putting shims on the carb needle (ZZR600 is carburated) to smoothen out that 5K dip, and some cosmetic pimpin.....
  7. or......"The Womb Raider Octopussy"........Ta Da.......
  8. I see them all on stunt bikes.....starboyz, canton biker boyz....they all use shinko....dry controlled pavements for stunting or drag racing, they are fine....not your commute in rain or aggressive street riding and wet pavements^^^
  9. watch it all the way.....the ends are fun as well, I like the starbucks with adult entertainment......it's a nice movie to watch when you are drunk...and that product "brawndo" (plants crave electrolytes), we gave one of our co-worker as xmas gift.....she was furious (couldn't take it)....
  10. I like the fish bones, brain and the eyeballs too.... don't shoot me I am not a zombie
  11. No no it's real. We have glass fish in any pet shop...This is just a biggy and deep water and that's why was elusive. Very cute and http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=2704 http://www.mbari.org/news/news_releases/2009/barreleye/barreleye.html http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29387870/
  12. After my crash last september I went to them mphohio ^^^Doug Duane is the owner/WERA racer and his lead tech is Scott. He measured my frame, very impressive. 90% of the time they will able to straighten it. My frame was just fine but had to throw away the subframe and the fork was twisted 0.9 degree. They will measure the geometry (camber angle) as well. Ohh. one note they are moving this weekend to the place next to State8 Motorcycles from the former place, so you would not get them until Monday. I know them well, ask me if you have anything.
  13. Oh.....man....those look awesome....hopefully mine will soon too after Pauls magic touch...
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