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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. i thought those plates were on your bike? either way... love it. and good luck with the sale
  2. sorry to hear about this... very sad
  3. sciongirl

    USA USA!

    it was actually a really good game!
  4. i listen to Opie and Anthony on XM.. .
  5. i used to listen to Rover for years outta cleveland but ever since him and duji came outta the closet and said they had been dating for 7 yrs.. made me hate the show. i dont listen anymore. its all too fake for me. and dieter is a joke.
  6. lol @ me not going. i might have to do my hair....
  7. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i299/joel_landeros/dancing_baby.gif
  8. the close up picture was as i was driving by, and i got lucky it was centered! SHUT UP!~!!!!!
  9. 33 westbound right before Hamilton Rd... http://i48.tinypic.com/v4tmv9.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/23k8ja.jpg
  10. so where did pedobear come from... 4chan or fark?
  11. dont have any problems with the wireless adapter itself, just my crappy insight cuts out for a few seconds...
  12. i thought it was pretty good! loved the who!
  13. thanks, ill look into Stanford
  14. this looks so bad.. sorry to hear that
  15. Honestly, not sure what I want to do in the field but the whole thing interests me quite a bit. Plus I need to get out of IT. I hate it... Columbus State would be an option too.. didn't know they did it.
  16. ok thanks a lot... im going to continue to do some research on this... hmmm
  17. I'd like to do Criminal Justice.. three school have jumped out at me so far, Phoenix, Kaplan and Everest.
  18. Anyone taken courses online?? I'm considering trying something and not sure if it's worth it, harder or whatever.
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