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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. my condo fees started at $88, three years later, they are $100.... but it really depends on the area and condo assoc. i also love my area and neighbors, but the one to my left is a rental. the guy that owns it lives in california, so i never know who will be there from year to year but so far so good. and i have a finished basement with a pool table/ping pong table! i probably wouldnt have gotten 1400sq ft in a house for my payments...
  2. i love my condo.. but i have OCD's that bother me. but if you are thinking long term, its a great choice, nice place to meet people as well.. and my condo has parties now so its fun.
  3. you are lucky i didnt show... even though i didnt know about this until this morning....
  4. i have nothing to hide (in my body) nor does it concern me of the "radiation" put on my body, so that i dont care about as much, but its not what i cant see from the govt... my info, where ive been, where im going or where i ate... but what i can see (walking through a machine that i know takes a pic of me). thats all i mean.. very few rights we still have, so if it takes a little longer to get to the gate, meh.. whatever.
  5. what happens when you refuse? and where did you refuse it?
  6. they should just approve cavity searches at airports and be done with it.... after all, they wont let you off the plane if there is a delay so you might as well be in jail. what a joke. i dont really care about the scans but when will it stop
  7. sciongirl

    Z faggot

    i normally love the shit talking threads, but this one failed around page 3-4. i was loving the hate, now everyone is friends. fuckin pussies.. and LOL @ calling double dribble on retards. team sideboob, out.
  8. i use this site to watch Toronto during hockey season... people post different links, most work, some do not. but it's the best place ive found. http://www.myp2p.eu/
  9. yeah i went almost 2 weeks after my accident... and it was the best feeling after!
  10. i dont like the GTO's anymore... too many people i know have died in them you are young, please be careful with that car.
  11. hush you! i pay my bills with people that want minimum coverage!!
  12. mmm wings sound really good right now..
  13. lol.. just reading this..sorry lots of (helpful) info in here, thanks guys
  14. lol... sorry but thats funny.. good luck finding it.
  15. if i would have known.. i just got back from lexington, went right through florence
  16. i dunno how he rode it but i know he babied it.... but if it's like CR should be better, i get it haha.
  17. I was on OhioRiders but I cant remember my password or anything... If Ben is here or someone...can anyone post this link for my friend? They are trying to sell his bike... I posted it here as well.. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1854705443.html
  18. My friend is selling this, if you are interested, please email them and tell them I sent you! http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1854705443.html Diana
  19. ill have to go sunday, ill be out of town this weekend
  20. its a fun time, i really love going.. but yea it can get expensive. take a sugar mama/daddy
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