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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. i dunno why im not reading today... thank you
  2. i dont really like it but if you just display the plate in the front dash, does that suffice?
  3. no! ive never even heard of that happening lol
  4. oooo thank you. ok well.. i dunno brian well enough to know his sense of humour but.. that is pretty disgusting and i dont know even know if that could happen? lol this is why i dont date... but like i said, i dont get emotionally involved much so this kinda stuff i can let roll off me. not to mention im not the most prim and proper lady you'll meet.
  5. and i will stock up on this for sure... roast beefs the next day even taste good heated up!
  6. i havent gone through all these pages but i read your original post and...its hard to really say without knowing the details but if its worse than him posting nudes of you... then i'd tell him he can find someone else to fuck with. joke or not, if its that bad... i'd be done with em. once someone burns me bad like that i tend to shut myself off emotionally so it's easy for me but... it just depends if you can trust them after that. hope that helps...
  7. i work with the co owner of the Arbys in Canal.. im going to have to ask her about this! i miss the 5 for 5 deals!
  8. wow.. this is very sad... i wish for the best for his family and may god watch over his little girl. RIP
  9. what exactly is an Application Delivery Architecture? Is it strictly networking or is that more application development?
  10. whats a good party drink.. vodka and gatorade? something like that...
  11. i would love to have some pictures taken of me playing... angles like you did with chris.
  12. Cindy was talking about your pony a couple weeks ago... im sure you were laughing down at us.
  13. you got your camera, nice! those look pretty good... what are you doing on tue's at 7pm?
  14. lol i hear a lot when i shoot... it just makes me bend over a liiiiiitle bit more lol joes match.. hey atleast he didnt kill anyone with the cue ball this week.
  15. whatever you heard about me.. is probably true. Jason.. if you are serious get ahold of Mike and you can start next tue if you want!
  16. that is scary!! what do you mean by a warning? do they put you on a watch list now? i use newsgroups.. but im not sure im completely safe with them either. and i have insight
  17. he used to be a vender of our company hahaha.. weird seeing him at games like this but his name is John Cubb
  18. you are never done drinking at the Lizard!
  19. i will kick your ass if you say you wanna join and dont show up. cool people only pls
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