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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. found this kinda funny, didn't see it posted anywhere. http://www.translationparty.com/
  2. oh noes.. then i want half of whatever is made off the pic i just sent you
  3. right now. i need a work out plan and meals. hurry coz im about to go to chipotle for lunch
  4. wow.. that does seem fishy and i would also assume something. maybe he didnt "plant" a nail and follow you but maybe he noticed your tire from the road and thought he could make a quick buck? i dunno.. but i certainly wouldnt give him any money. no way.
  5. kinda disappointed im on page two and no pics yet... personally, ive had the bodybuilder trainers and i dont prefer them. i also had a female trainer that was an ex marine boot camp instructor and that was hell.
  6. wow.. im really surprised people are like this. im pretty naive and would let a neighbor barrow something, but id also assume they would treat it better than their own stuff. sucks being at odds with neighbors too...
  7. i got nothin... clean as a whistle
  8. yea it's 3 years but Zeppelin is right, some insurances can have their own point system. just depends on what it is.
  9. ooo i beat you to it.. posted this yesterday. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70039&page=4
  10. i just stumbled across this today and this thread is the first thing i thought of. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/8203120.stm
  11. lol what is the program called?
  12. i know... ive learned to love ramen noodles
  13. ive never played flag football but i can play it... what if i were QB? im not afraid of my shirt getting ripped off but now everyone will try so maybe i should just bring waters
  14. drink lots of water throughout the day... and for gods sake stop eating so late!
  15. im not aruging im just playing devils advocate. i bet more accidents have happened due to people giving head than texting. actually, i have no idea i just made that up.
  16. wow.. that is horrible. why would the husband deny her drinking? or just that she had a problem?
  17. i actually would love to so i wouldnt have to bug people with trucks anymore.
  18. im also not saying im against any "legal" liability to getting in an accident due to whatever.. but how are they going to know you are texting/talking on the phone/changing the radio or just looking away to check out some hot boi?
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