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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. hey, whats going on? so you are looking at a tC?
  2. the nextag link says it's a 6x optical zoom??
  3. i'd much rather have the xbox with a few problems here and there than the ps3... and you should be able to keep your HD. mine will freeze up sometimes, not really sure but make sure its not in an entertainment center where heat can't escape. unless its freezing as soon as you turn it on? i dunno...
  4. t-boned by a chevy caprice going 50pmh. i dont remember the airbags.. for a roll, i think the sante fe held up good!! http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/5018/santafe01ne8.jpg
  5. i dont really like bacon... so this looks gross
  6. legends of a hidden temple!!! i loved that one for some reason.. lol
  7. lol a buddy of mine took a girl on a first date to a game, they ended up on the kiss cam... was so funny... he leaned in and she backed up lol
  8. 2. Kinda important, hit it at least 3 times a week
  9. haha really? well i'll add her tonight and we'll see if i can actually start playing halo again.... would be awesome!
  10. yeah i've played a lot of GB matches and they are real assholes sometimes... im expecting the MLG event to be different but i could be wrong. either way, it will be just to just go!
  11. i havent played halo3 since cod4... but i think i was better at halo than i am at cod4 now so if i can scrap up some girls, we might try to compete.
  12. lol i know.. the fact that im this excited about it, worries me... but oh well.
  13. ok, so I'm a geek but i'm super excited they just announced this!!!! http://www.mlgpro.com/pro-circuit/2009/index2.php
  14. haha... its alright, i like listening to them make fun of people. i need a new talk show to listen to!
  15. alright. even though i DO listen online, i'd rather lose it than pay $3 more a month for it that sucks tho, i liked listening to Opie & Anthony in the mornings
  16. LOL does he look like a bitch..... hahahaha
  17. so even if you dont do the upgrade coz you don't listen online, your 1st (only) account would go up? Or only if you have a second account?
  18. i got a note about this on my xm subsription.... soooo if i set this up, i dont pay anymore and still get online radio free? coz i listen to it while at work all the time...
  19. i have played that game and i lose everytime...
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