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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I thought he was taking those off! Sounds like BMW didn't do a very good job of sealing their pontoons for river crossings.
  2. Want to setup a fake mugging that could have been prevented if you had your legal firearm on you so you have some ammo so to speak to get that policy changed?
  3. I say raise it coming into china beach to help him slow down. Like using flaps.
  4. hah, I'm excited to let the new 1000 eat on the back straight of Mid-O and Road A this year.
  5. Arent those things damn near 200hp? I wouldnt be surprised if you were in the 190's.
  6. Man, that'd be a every weekend thing for me. Wake up saturday morning, take the long way to athens, eat at the diner, go ride some more... It woulda been 100% harder to let go of my street bike if I lived down there.
  7. So jelly of where you live.
  8. I'd imagine so! I don't think there would be a problem with that so long as it is in good working order and passes tech and you have the correct riding gear! Though, I've heard Mid-O rents suits.
  9. Only you can make that decision. Don't let me or them sway you either way, we are biased in our own way.
  10. *Insert Picture with Jim and Method man here*
  11. Bullshit. I can drive and shift with my left hand for this very reason. And Jim, I'm sorry but that's totally an old man mobile. Need moar AMG.
  12. I'll give you that I is a meat grinder. I've had positive experiences thusfar with N2. Hopefully that continues. Hopefully I'll be around less fuckery in A.
  13. It's up to the rider that is doing the passing to do so in a safe manner, while being courteous to the rider(s) being passed. That's Novice/Intermediate/Advanced track day etiquette. People in advanced may make some harder passes but to be in advanced, that's one of the things the riders should be more comfortable with. That's I group and I really couldn't see how close they were to the next right hander but there's no passing on the inside in N or I with N2. From the footage I just watched, that CR was at fault.
  14. Nice, I was wondering where people got these. I think its funny that you can select the option "all one color". Which pretty much negates what you checked off. My map isnt that impressive
  15. I read through and figured out what you guys wanted. Still voted no!
  16. It's looking like a no-go on the merging of those threads according to the vote.
  17. Watched that more than a handful of times just now and wow, yea that CR had no business stuffing that guy like that at a track day! Wonder what happened to that CR.
  18. Was it this: Not sure what the rider in front of the control rider was doing. He didn't signal for pit in. I didn't see any flags, and that's an acceleration zone onto the front straight at PIRC... Also not sure what the CR was doing at all either. It didnt look like he was paying that close of attention to the rider in front of him.
  19. Is it where the CR comes and cuts off a rider and the rider goes down?
  20. Not sure what you are referring to. My experience has been good with them.
  21. Wow, if it weren't for it being in the middle of winter and me wanting to be around motorcycles, I probably wouldnt even go, dang that looks weak. On various forms of social media, I've seen tons more vendors showing up in other locations. Hell N2 had a booth in the last location I believe.
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