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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. This, they just finished all that crap.
  2. I never had time to flick people off riding in the fast group. Hate Parade allows me to greet each and every Ohio Rider properly along the ride.
  3. I love biscuits. I may buy some of that mix and give it a shot....
  4. Maybe @TRMN8TR may be able to give some suggestions.
  5. Nice!! She sure is purdy.
  6. Never admit guilt. "Do you know how fast you were going?" "No." "Was that you passing on double yellow?" "No." "I literally paced you at 95." "I have no idea what you are talking about."
  7. Not that going through traffic is an excuse for poor body position, but what about this one, same corner minus me lurking through traffic. Foot still needs to be higher on the peg.
  8. I've heard of this happening to two bikes going back up 83 north after a nice ride. Apparently the two were racing.
  9. Thats even better. I like where your heads at Ben. Lets pull some triggers.
  10. Long way round. I swear my right-foot positioning is going to be better this year.
  11. Can there be a subsection for Brian's pool table?
  12. We'll see what I can afford. I still gotta get tire warmers. *cough* @blue03636 *cough*
  13. I've already ridden more street than you have in 2017. I took the daytona out on a fairwell ride.
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