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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I ride 10% faster when Backstreet Boys are on, just sayin.
  2. I have noticed that watching his videos. Idk, I may give it a go, on the street I really enjoy it and can get into a groove but on track I honestly think I'll end up blocking it out because I'm so hyper focused on what I'm doing.
  3. Yea I don't think I could do it. I saw a guy in A at NCBike running his senna but like you said, I need to hear people when they come up on my slow ass.
  4. Deal, but you get to break the news to my mom.
  5. That's like taking her to Disney Land at this age, she's not gonna remember that nor hold that against you later in life.
  6. I'd give those skull candy's a shot before you drop that coin. $30 bucks! Edit: I've had mine for like 3 years now of constant near every day abuse from working out and riding and they have been solid.
  7. Idk what sounds better, 126 more days or 4.5 more months. Still trying to devise a way to tell my mom I wont be making it to Easter without getting shanked.
  8. I have a senna, but before I had that I used these, and still use these when I wear my Arai since I dont have a senna on that: https://www.amazon.com/Skullcandy-Fix-Headphone-Button-Remote/dp/B007GN1454/ref=sr_1_5?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1481205388&sr=1-5&keywords=skullcandy+the+fix They stay in my ears when I put the helmet on and stay in there pretty well. I can hear my music and my surroundings to a certain extent. No active sound cancelling though. I also have these for the office: https://www.amazon.com/Bose-QuietComfort-Acoustic-Cancelling-Headphones/dp/B0117RFP0Y/ref=sr_1_6?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1481205498&sr=1-6&keywords=bose+noise+cancelling+headphones If those buds use the same sound cancelling technology as the ones I have, you may not like the amount of noise that is cancelled out. In my experience with these, constant noises are almost completely gone. The sound processor has a more difficult time cancelling out random noises, like someone clapping. My fear is, the motor and wind noise (since it's pretty constant noise) might be almost completely gone and you'd be riding around near deaf lol.
  9. You pull the bulbs on the dash? jk LOL I forgot what my dad broke of mine recently but when he told me, I told him I've broken so much of his shit over the years, I cant really get mad. haha
  10. Let me know when they show up in your account. Just so I have an idea of when I can expect them.
  11. Interesting, they never asked if I had an account already. Hopefully they noticed I do and will add the credits.
  12. Make sure you do lots of stretching before and after. Even during between sets. Helps the soreness the next few days and helps the muscle.
  13. So does anyone know when N2 sends out the actual codes?
  14. GSXR 600's, I have a bad history with. 1000's and 750's I have been fine LOL.
  15. Gotta sell mine first. Even with the 31k, it's still too clean to be a trackbike imo lol. If it doesnt sell, I'll be buying some safety wire pliers and looking up tutorials on how to use em lol.
  16. Do it man! I use riding as my motivation to workout every day pretty much. I just want to get better.
  17. 675r's, r6's, and 750's are on my radar. I did find myself wanting more top end last year that my triumph just didnt have. But I also LOVE the low end of the 675 and that helps get my ass out of corners when I slow too much on entry
  18. @Isaac's Papa has been barking up that tree for a little while. I got my dad's old motobecane and fixed it up, turns out the frame is far too large for me. I have my old Trek mountain bike somewhere at home. I'll have to grab that when I go back to cbus here soon. I'd be down to pedal around. however I am no where near calling myself a cyclist.
  19. andddd that's why I've been training specifically for riding since the beginning of summer. Since winter is coming I plan on building a bit more muscle instead of the lean stuff I've developed. Then trim back down as the season starts.
  20. Anyone and everyone is welcome. I'd love to see you guys tear it up!!
  21. I do remember not being able to keep it alive when I was riding it back to the trailer at NCBike... Hmm. Sent from my iPhone.
  22. 100% would be down for that. Did you save me some stickers? Not sure what bike they are going on yet but I know I want some!
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