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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Anyone that uses chrome or firefox should download the "ncage" plugin. You will not regret it.
  2. Anyone else flip their employee Id badge around so the name can't be seen under the divider before sitting down to do their business in the office bathroom? Sent from my iPhone.
  3. Some of those are pretty freakin sweet Sent from my iPhone.
  4. Did you just become best friends!? YUP!
  5. How is it out on the bike today? I got a new gopro mount thinking about going out for a short jaunt.
  6. In for the review of the superbike school. And 2 days of riding an s1000rr. Maybe sometime in my lifetime I'll be able to afford to do that.
  7. I had someone brake check me on the onramp this morning. Sorry I happened to be close to you when you are merging onto the highway at 25mph. I don't care if it was drizzling outside. Stupid is everywhere.
  8. I think the base price is about 15.5k for a brand new 2015.....
  9. Forecasts in Ohio, hah! I wont be confident in what the weather will actually be until I'm actually down at Skullcrusher's with a wiener in my mouth. Wait that came out wrong... Sent from my iPhone.
  10. I thought those were stoptional? Sent from my iPhone.
  11. Haha well I personally would not have gone through that intersection under those conditions at that speed. Id say both at fault. Driver for not properly judging if he was going to be able to make the light or not and the rider for racing through that intersection. Sent from my iPhone.
  12. Hahahaha now I can't leave my stall until everyone leaves the bathroom at work so I don't get weird looks because I giggled in the men's room. Sent from my iPhone.
  13. Yea haha I didn't think it was true. Sent from my iPhone.
  14. I heard that you can fight it by going to court and requesting the presence of the "officer" that issued the citation, is that true?
  15. Lions, bears, and TIGERS oh my!
  16. I hope you felt the sarcasm from that post lol. No way I'm doing that.
  17. Maybe I should stop riding around with my AR on my back....
  18. You can put me down as a maybe? I'll have a better idea when it gets closer to the date. I am in the midst of a job move.
  19. I'm a hippie at heart, but I dress normal and have a work ethic.
  20. For the record, I never once asked Lakewood PD or Bay Village to uphold the law. I asked that they leave me alone. With that said I understand what you guys are saying (had to get my immature comment out of the way). Still don't like being hassled for petty shit like riding with my visor up.
  21. Cool so I should just accept the city of Lakewood and Bay Village just can pull me over and waste my time whenever they want. Sweet!
  22. Reasonable suspicion? Sure, visor up while not moving sure is suspicious.... I don't see any reasonable suspicion at all. The other two times a car was in front of me and a few behind me (because I was going the speed limit and visor down), they couldn't even tell me what I "did" and let me go.... So that basically means they can pull me over anytime they want. Oh that guy's eyes are slightly closed and extremely slanted, he must be high as fuck and or sleeping at the wheel!
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