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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. hahaha ive experienced 99% of what he talked about at school....i really dislike MAC's
  2. most helicopters are powered by jet engines......
  3. LOL those are pretty good
  4. wow...the second part of the vid was unnessisary
  5. thank you for making me realize how poor i am...jk this thing is purdy cool
  6. lol....hmm...idk if my school parking lot has limo parking....2 parking passes maybe? haha bump
  7. hahaha he gets out of breath just screaming at his computer
  8. i thinnk my friend would want your 6-bolt....
  9. Q: got 1993 z71 4x4 350 engine to trade interested? A: what? hahahahaha
  10. may i have info on this accord purdy plz sorry dont mean to thread jack
  11. well the pic worked for me but i looked back at it 5 min later and it was a red x http://image51.webshots.com/51/2/49/58/2491249580083499550TCrSbe_ph.jpg http://image51.webshots.com/51/2/49/58/2491249580083499550TCrSbe_ph.jpg < theres the link to it
  12. bump for a fast-as-balls truck
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