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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Hopefully it's got some good CE armor or its just gonna be like wearing jeans when you hit pavement lol.
  2. If theres anything I've learned about ORML from @DerekClouser @what @kbrok it's don't wear expensive/nice gear to ORML. Quality still counts but like others have said, wear the backup/ old suit if you have one. I just hope I still fit in mine.
  3. I'd put that money towards that track bike you picked up.
  4. Isn't it going to be nice to just walk out to your garage and not have to think twice if your bike is going to start?
  5. Is there a rabbit at the bottom of this hole?
  6. Yea he's gonna be on a Zuki this year!
  7. Leader, cuz you'll always be lead'n with a liter.
  8. I found it and put it in a jar to bring to trackdays to remind the rest of us what could've been if you weren't so responsible.
  9. Because you and Brandon ride the street so much anymore!
  10. Didn't help that Porsche though.......
  11. If you bring that to PIRC I wanna ride it! Love me some two stroke goodness. There may be a few extra attendees for the OMRL PIRC round.
  12. I keep swiping right! What was your favorite?
  13. @Pauly So when are you taking me out? ❤️
  14. I think it would have better handling than the multi or the ST. Power, not sure.
  15. Paul actually found my first real mtb purchase. Real nice piece. Used, but the guy had like 30 other bicycles hanging from his barn walls. Thing was mint when I got it. I believe its a 2012, for sure a Trek Cobia.
  16. TimTheAzn


    If that was you that bought the 2000, that makes it even funnier!
  17. Howd that grom on street tires work out for you there @what Edit: Didn't see your response between my post and all of the pictures.
  18. You columbus boys sound like youre having fun!
  19. Getting cabin fever pretty bad..................
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