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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I have a 6x10 (I think 10) open trailer with a wood floor. I take care of my shit no matter what it is lol. I don't want that wood floor to get all f'd up from being outside in the sun and rain.
  2. Damn, if these were bigger (door was bigger) I'd contemplate buying one to put in my backyard to store my trailer so I actually have room in my garage again.
  3. lawwwwdddd. Idk how those guys are ok with crashing. Crashing sucks.
  4. @durk how long did that tire change take?
  5. I havent seen that Get Out movie but I feel like that picture was taken from that Get Out movie.
  6. Pretty easy! Plus we need this sport to grow! Kids that grow up with a racing addiction cant afford to have any others and will work to feed that addiction!
  7. I've taken off from lights faster than my mock race launch.... just needed to finish.
  8. Pretty much anyone can get into racing if they have the money and time. Not everyone is successful, though. I was content taking parade laps in my mock race until I realized I knew the chick I was behind, had to give her the business after that. So I was in fact not last place in my mock race like I had planned.
  9. No experience with LEAN race school but I have been through N2's. I'd imagine they are similar. You run normal track sessions with shirts on designating you being in the race license class in the morning with mandatory classroom sessions in between. There is a mock race just after lunch (you must complete this without incident). So long as you pass the paper test and don't bin it in the mock race you get a certificate you can then present to WERA or CCS to obtain a provisional novice license. After that you must run 2 race weekends (can only do 1 race 1 weekend if you wish) without incident to graduate to full novice status, at least in WERA. I can help you get this setup with N2 if you'd like. You can email in to support@n2td.org Cost is $100 for the race school on top of the track day cost.
  10. Yea, me as well. However I like to take the stance for the general public, no drinking and riding period. It makes it easier for the idiots to understand.
  11. Welp, might as well make it a full track bike now.
  12. I mean..... I don't really advocate drinking and riding.
  13. So many things going wrong in this video.
  14. Is that an offer? I can feed you doughnuts while you ride if you still have a modular. @Pauly the man has offered me a heated seat.... do you have a rebuttal?
  15. I'm all for paul buying the whale. That way we can ride 2-up on the epic ride. I switched jobs about a year and a half ago, which place are you thinking? Have been going through some security courses to prep me for OSCP. Have been playing around with my home network/ router/ firewall/ ip's and ports/ etc via putty and web interfaces. Shit is actually pretty fun, I've had a few "ah hah!" moments already that felt pretty cool. I need to get a machine to put Kali on it next.
  16. Shifting is fun.... And what is this 2013 kawasaurus ?
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