Dude I am growing tired of your arguing, my buddy is the loan guru, and does circles around your loan knowledge. I'm not talking out my ass, your about to be out of $1000 bucks. My credit score is over 800. want to bet money on that one too? I'll pm you my address, and we'll meet at my house, I'll show you my loan documents, and my buddy will come over and explain how he got me a 0% down loan with no pmi. If you want a loan, I can give you his contact info, but he is going to charge you a fee for his services, I paid him to do my loan work, he doesn't do this stuff for free, but I can guarantee you he knows more about this stuff than your typical loan dork at the bank, he's the guru. So stack me up 10 new $100 bills, and let me know if your game, and we'll arrange to meet at my house, or my buddies place. And I am not kidding.