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Everything posted by 12oclocker

  1. I was driving home one night and saw a HUGE blue flash in the the sky, it one of the craziest things I ever saw, it took up at least half the sky over where I was driving (out in the country at about 12:30am) I never saw anything on the news about it.
  2. i need a 5000cc bike that only weighs 235lbs
  3. one day Im gonna do circles in the police station parking lot, and video tape it.
  4. yeah no kidding! just buy my honda CBR929RR for 4700!
  5. Im not sure how much current your LED runing lights are drawing, but here are some typical resistor setups... try a 100 ohm first, if thats too dim, try a 47ohm. if its too bright with 100ohm, try a 220ohm, if still too bright try a 330k ohm, and if still too bright try a 1k ohm. all of those resistors you can buy at radioshack. 1/8 watt will be fine for led tail light assembly. You can get an assortment resistor pack for like 7 bucks at radio shack that has every typical value in it. using the wrong value is not going to hurt anything in your situation, so just experiment until you find the brightness you like.
  6. no title is very bad news, probably a lean against the bike, or its stolen. don't buy a bike without a clear title. If you want a reliable bike, Honda's run forever, I've owned every major brand bike, kawi, suzuki, honda, etc. Honda's always seem to be the toughest.
  7. that is so terrible, very sorry to hear that news
  8. keep the Taurus, if you ever do decide to get a different car, consider honda or toyota, I used to buy american cars, but got sick of always having them break down, they seems to fall apart rather quickly. I've had excellent luck especially with the '00 corolla I bought, over 40,000 miles I've put on it, and not a single problem.
  9. yes, I will cut you a deal for cash! pm sent. If the average person does not have good credit I would agree, not having good credit now days is going to make anything with a loan pretty tough, ever since the bank failures, I'm sure lenders are extra cautious about credit scores now.
  10. definitely got to screen the applicants, and always call their references. I heard texas is sweet, texas or arizona would be cool place to live, the weather in ohio sucks, lol!
  11. 103.9 the X plays the same 10 songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. I am so sick of it.
  12. just charge it on your credit card then file bankruptcy. I know a buy that bought a new house, then a new Cadillac, then filed bankruptcy. He got to keep the house and car, lol!
  13. I've noticed I am able to solve entire crossword puzzles before some people even step on the gas at a green light. are people brain dead.
  14. Dude I am growing tired of your arguing, my buddy is the loan guru, and does circles around your loan knowledge. I'm not talking out my ass, your about to be out of $1000 bucks. My credit score is over 800. want to bet money on that one too? I'll pm you my address, and we'll meet at my house, I'll show you my loan documents, and my buddy will come over and explain how he got me a 0% down loan with no pmi. If you want a loan, I can give you his contact info, but he is going to charge you a fee for his services, I paid him to do my loan work, he doesn't do this stuff for free, but I can guarantee you he knows more about this stuff than your typical loan dork at the bank, he's the guru. So stack me up 10 new $100 bills, and let me know if your game, and we'll arrange to meet at my house, or my buddies place. And I am not kidding.
  15. what does gu mean? I am an average joe. with good credit, and connections.
  16. I'm not full of shit, in fact I will bet you money on it, how about $1000 bet. You can look at my mortgage closing papers if you want, I have them, and bring cash, I don't take checks. Building homes does not make you a mortgage underwriter, my best friend of 20 years is though, so I do know all the tricks.
  17. ive been riding wheelies up and down my driveway
  18. i might get one of the new 600's, those 1000's are getting too ugly, lol!
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