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Everything posted by 12oclocker

  1. it's fun, thats why I do it. My staircase at my house has touch adjust white LED's in the walls and sensors on the handrail, built into the wall when I made the staircase, so at night when walking up the stairs, I touch the railing, and the lights automatically come on. One time I spent 2 years designing a transistor analyzer (in 11th and 12th grade) talk about dumping time into something. after i patented it I entered into some design competitions and did end up making a few thousand from it. back then I could not even afford an oscilloscope, i did the whole thing with measured values and calcuations, i did the board layout and etching by hand without any software, I did not even have a breadboard to test my design! I drew and drilled every trace by hand, 1038 something holes drilled by hand with precision drill bit set, and 3 months on the board design and drawing alone, 13 IC's bunched. in a 4" by 2.5" board, single sided, three 7 segment displays, and only 7 jumpers. got 3rd place in a world duracell design competition. and first in several others. I think I was 17 at the time.
  2. exactly, this law was passed NOT FOR SAFETY! I have not read one story of a kid dieing of lead from a motorcycle, etc. This bill was passed by people with an alternative agenda (maybe some companies that do lead testing) paid lobbiest money to get the bill passed. Go try to find legitimate reasons for this bill. I can't the bill is obviously going to cause more people to lose jobs and money. some of my wifes friends have to close down their stores that sell kids cloths because they cannot afford to do the lead testing on kids cloths (fabric!!), now they are out of a job, this bill is indended to fatten the wallets of the lead testing companies, or futher destory small businesses, or both.
  3. yep, listen to some mp3's on your pc, if it does not do it, its a stream issue.
  4. the transformer is actually rated 12.6v at 3a, but when their is no current draw, the transformer secondary will read about 18 something volts, Im not utilizing all 3a, thus I can regulate the output at 13.2v and around 1.5a draw with still some extra to play with. Transformers are reactive to a load, I'm utilizing that phenomenon to get more voltage at a less current tradeoff than the actual transformer rating.
  5. it will give around 1.5amps if the battery is really really low, and it decreases the closer the battery gets to full charge, once the current decreases to less than 40mA, the opamp turns the charging led indicator off (indicating full charge), but the battery continues to be given float voltage to maintain charge.
  6. I'm actually using a LM317, but I think the LT may be drop substitute for my specs (its what my schematic program had in the part bin). I pulled all the pdf data sheets when I breadboarded it, and everything is in spec and within tolerance range. You may be thinking of the absolulte max rating, the 317 has adjustable voltage regulation from 3v to 30v
  7. you could, but the cheap ones are lower current, and take longer to charge, and not quite as fun as making it yourself. lol. be careful not to get a cheap 'unregulated' charger, they can overcharge and harm the battery. I had all these parts downstairs, so for me it cost $0.
  8. Here is my design for a 12v motorcycle battery tender/charger, it will not overcharge, and it has a charging indicator LED to led you know the charging status. very simple and low cost to throw together (around $15 to $20 in parts) I will post up pics of mine through the build process soon... here is my schematic... (edited to show revised schematic...)
  9. carry a pocket full of rocks, next time someone cuts you off, or flips their trash in your face, they get a windshield full of rocks. I've seen this technique work first hand, and it does work. People will start thinking twice about nearly killing us.
  10. how do factorys roll out cars that have very little noticeable orange peel effect?
  11. I made that trickle charger tonight, its sweet, I put a conector on my crf250x that goes into the airbox, now when I need to charge the bat or trickle charge, I just open the airbox door and plug in my batt tendor adaptor, and plug it into the wall outlet, or plug in the batt charger adapter
  12. I had a friend in highschool that touched a 9v battery to his eyeball on a dare. He fell to the ground and screamed in pain, and I couldn't stop laughing for a good 15 minutes. anyway, if someone on here thinks this is a good idea, lets video tape it and we'll put it on youtube.
  13. I write a script to flush my log files every like month or so.
  14. lol, I forgot how that MacGyver theme song sounds like it was made with a $20 casio keyboard, lol! funny story, my cousin is actually the top tank mechanic over in Iraq, lol
  15. I dont think Titianum will ever be in surplus anywhere, its just about a precious metal or something
  16. I can make a trickle charger for $0 with parts in my basement. I'm gonna do it tonight.
  17. lol! I cant remember where I heard that word "snaustages!" buts its funny as hell, and I though the Wexler Wigglers, had a nice ring to it! lol!! If you didnt live so far away I would definitly take you up on that, lol!
  18. wexler wigglers snaustages and gravy farm! can I ride wheelie circles in someones livingroom? we can video tape it and laugh about it later
  19. mositure got into the gas. it can get waterdown over night if conditions and temp changes are right, I've seen it happen.
  20. welcome to the crapiest state in the united states. and the best forum on the internet.
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