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Everything posted by 12oclocker

  1. finally warm enough to actually ride my new dirtbike in the dirt, here's a short vid... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM-xmayIHFk
  2. lol, I've been using the downstairs of my bi-level house for that stuff all winter, lol
  3. Im into MX and supermoto, and trail, etc
  4. I'm glad to see more supermoto guys in here!
  5. why is every choice only a sat? I always work sats ;(
  6. I road yesterday all day until I had to go to work, my whole body is sore today.
  7. It will be adjustable, I wont need to keep the bike at all, will just install and test it, it'll probably take an hour or 2, will probably do it like next winter when I am bored out of my mind.
  8. nice work, you got talent!
  9. who has a cut open of a fram oil filter, I use them on my car, but suspect they are restricting oil flow.
  10. they are good machines, extremely low maintenance, easy to adjust valves (manual adjust not shim and bucket), and you dont have to worry about fork seals like on the larger crf's. its not very powerfull at all, but still a fun bike. I've got the 05 crf230f. for $1000 more though, you can get the new yamaha WR250X which is double the performance, but with that is a little higher maint sched of course.
  11. Actually Parent have EVERYTHING to do with kids like that, when I was a kid I had a TERRIBLE home life, I am lucky I didn't kill a bunch of people and then myself when I was a kid, I thought about it a lot. everything in my life turned around when I finally got out. so yeah, how kids are raised can make them hate people and life enough to kill.
  12. yeah, I was hoping maybe someone on the board had a set laying around in the garage or something, or knew someone that did, I guess I have that post worded poorly, lol
  13. Anyone have any recommendations on where I can get a good set of new or used 20x10x8 ATV tires for a good price, I want something with good tread to grip grass and dirt, like Holeshot ITP or something similar. needs to be something nearby
  14. I'm gonna build a speedo healer in the next few weeks, who wants one?
  15. Obama's new world order. His followers wishes him to run a totalitarianism government. this makes me sick. If they fire that guy, consider yourself a slave of the dictatorship, that will only be the beginning. I've been wondering when people are going to draw the line and if someone was going to start picking off senators and other government extremist with a sniper riffle, it wouldn't surprise me. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/totalitarianism
  16. I had it going for a few minutes, the score when like over 12,000, but it didnt keep track of the highscore after that, bug?
  17. true, more strip clubs than walmarts here, lol
  18. I would have rather given her 39k, and everyone get 2590 per person, than have them blow it like they did..
  19. $787 billion in the toilet ($787,000,000,000), I wanted to get an idea of how much money this really is, so I did a bit of googling on the USA population, and came up with... Population: 303,824,640 (July 2008 est.) Now if Obama would have taken that $787 BILLION dollars, and divided it amoung everyone in the usa, we would have each got $2590, even your kids that dont work are figured in, cause they are counted in the population. that means my family would have got $10,360 (since I have a wife and 2 kids) My sister family would have got $12,950, she has 3 kids and a husband. My brothers family would have got $12,950, NOW that would have got the economy going much more than $13 a week. He just blew almost a TRILLION dollars of our tax dollars, and more than 75% of the money spent is going directly to bullshit and we will never see the money again. We are the Economy! if they wanted to stimulate it, all the tax dollars should have been given back to the tax payers.
  20. radio sucks anyway, I stopped listening because I cant stand the same 5 songs they play over and over and over
  21. ABS will not chip like fiberglass, overall its better, it also flexes better without cracking.
  22. you have to call them, they do have streetbike models, they just dont have them on the site, I put one on a Ninja636.

  23. I noticed today when I tried to call my state represenative, he had disconnected the answering machine. They have not answered the phone in days. Looks like he could care less.
  24. same with my wife and many of her friends, this new bullshit law is putting more americans out of work faster than you can say "The CPSC was bought and paid for by lead testing companies"
  25. Piss on that! They are illegal's, how the hell did they go to court everyday, they should have been deported for running over the border!
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