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Everything posted by 12oclocker

  1. cool, I'll try to get ahold of someone with an RC51 for measurements as soon as possible. If anyone wants a unit for you bike, just drop me a PM with this info.... Your bike Model: Your bike Year: Needle Speedometer or Digital Readout: [Needle] / [Digital Readout] Can you stop by my place for measurements: [Y]/[N] Your Email Address:
  2. Is there anyone else willing to stop by with their bike so I can get some measurements? I really don't want to ship out units for bikes I have not tested yet. I will be placing a parts order this weekend to build some more units, the 5 I had built disappeared rather quickly, this time I will order enough parts to built enough units for everyone that wants one, provided I have taken some measurements from your model bike so I can be sure everything will work just fine. So far bikes I have had access to are: Yamaha 1300 vmax, WR250X/R, Honda CBR600F4i Post up guys and let me know.
  3. that can't be the part number, whats the number on the componet? if that is the number stamped on it, then you'll need to lookup replacement parts by punching in the model number of your machine you are repairing in google. yes, 6.4ohms for that part is toast.
  4. Its really easy to setup, if you change the gearing on your bike, it takes about a minute to re-setup the unit, it's very simple... Here's some pics.... Board Size Finished Unit, with clear HeatShrink around it to make it water resistant, you can still press the button and see the LED through the clear heatshrink.
  5. should work on any bike, and if I come across one it does not work on, I could have a working firmware revision by probably the next day. but I don't foresee any reason why any bike would not be compatible, all bikes that have speed sensors that send pulses to the ECU. though some bikes use different sensors, they all do the same thing, send pulses. this devices corrects the frequency of the pulse rate by a percentage ratio. the only bikes this would not work for are cable driven speedo's, so if you speedometer uses a cable to the front wheel, it will not work for your bike. If anyone lives near Troy, OH, and has a bike with a needle speedometer that still uses a speed sensor (if your bike is newer or fuel injected it most likey uses a speed sensor) and wants a unit, let me know, I have not got to test my unit on a bike with a needle type speedometer, I see no reason why it would not work, but I would like to have the you and the bike at my house, that way I can tweak out anything in the firmware just in case.
  6. post up the exact part numbers from the part on here.
  7. the switching timer is defective and needs replaced. that is the simplest solution. sounds like it is internally shorted it, I've never had to use one of those components before, but after reading the description, this is how it works.... the switching timer resistor is cold, has a very high resistance. once current is put through it, it starts to heat up, and resistance starts reducing. after x ms, the part reaches the needed resistance to trigger the device it is in line with. Thus if your no longer acheving the delay the device once was producing. These are the 2 possible problems. 1) the device is stuck at trigger temperature (unlikely, unless something is abnormally hot around that part) 2) The part is internally shorted. To test the part, take it out of the circuit, and take a KNOWN good one out of the circuit. Compare the resistance measurements. They should be within 5% or 10% or 20% of each other. (depending on the manufacturer specified tolerance of the part)
  8. there are a lot of ways to do it, how exact does the 100ms delay have to be, are you driving a relay?, whats the ckt for? ... you could charge a capacitor to trigger a transistor which triggers a relay using a RC time constant formula to obtain the 100ms (not super accurate, could fluctuate slightly) ... you could use a 555 chip which is capable with doing 100ms timings (also not super accurate, could fluctuate slightly) ... or you could use a cheap microcontroller chip to trigger a relay or SCR, (most accurate, but adds a few dollars to the cost and complicates the design, but if exact timing is needed, its a good solution.)
  9. this is true, I try to get out there at least once a week to ride with dave and bryan Here's a vid from last weekend... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8UrIM7KUz4
  10. I plan on having them done this weekend, I will definitely let you know
  11. this does NOT surprise me at all, I was in best buy for a return, and I saw one of those idiots handling someone's motherboard with no static protection walking around on carpet, as well as the customers memory. I actually said "Hey, where's your static strap" he said "Oh I don't need one", then I replied "so you intentionally take no precautions against static damage to customers equipment, that's pretty stupid." The customers eye's got really big as I laughed at him and walking away from the service counter.
  12. It depends on who pays first once I get them completed, there are more than 5 people that have said they want units, but not everyone is ready to buy once they're built, what kind of bike do you have?
  13. yes, I am in the processes of making a new video for the updated version. Good news! my parts shipment has arrived, and I will have 5 units that will be completed this weekend I had to change the product name to "SpeedoDRD" because some company in Canada owns the name SpeedoFix. I added the ability to do MPH to KPH and KPH to MPH conversions as well. Design will be about the size of a nickle. I have devised a universal install method for bikes which I have not yet been able to obtain the factory connectors, you DONT have to cut any wires. And it only takes about 10 minutes or less to complete the hook up. I will post up in the next few days with some pics, and a vid of the new completed units, as well as a demonstration of how to calibrate the unit (very easy to do) I will still presetup the units for anyone that want's theirs presetup.
  14. Representative Tyrone Yates, is a f'king communist. I recommend anyone with half a brain cell to vote this moron out of office next election cycle.
  15. someone let me know when they're gonna have a 1 wheel sunday, Ill be there.
  16. 1) All day long 2) I sold my other sportbike to get a 2nd motard 3) Yes, motards are light weight, easy to throw around, and cost less to maintain.
  17. as of now I'm stuck working that holiday weekend, If I'm able to get out of it I'll let you know sounds like a good time though
  18. lol, checking thread now, I didnt notice I had a profile msg ;)

  19. I'm working on getting the Honda and Suzuki connectors, hopefully I'll have it taken care of by the end of the week, I'm working on it guys I got the design down to the size of a nickle.
  20. Here's the SpeedoFix 2.0 setup instructions in video format, I installed the prototype on my bike and am happy to report it works perfect. I'll start building 5 units to sell next week, the units I'm building to sell will be half the size of the unit in the video (because they will be surface mount boards) Give me some feedback on what you guys thing of the calibration process, I made it as simple as possible http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lYjxgEbp8M
  21. we are getting off topic now, lol!
  22. When I say a single chip, I mean 1 chip, with a few little parts, maybe a resistor here or there, I mean its the only IC on the board. SpeedoFix2.0 is 1 chip, that's it. We don't need support architecture for anything. It's done for cost reasons. I can buy a chip that does 'almost everything' for a project, then I fill in the gaps with support parts. If I really want to get rid of the few external resistors and caps, one of my good friends at TI works in chip fab, and If I wanted, I could have everything put into a single chip smaller than an eraser head, but it would take over a million dollars to fab, and at least a year or 6months engineering work, so its not really feasible cost wise to me.
  23. I could build the PCIII in a single smt chip, and make it the size of a quarter, I may not mess with that for a while though, there is a lot more testing involved and no margin error allowed. I am going to make a Digital Oscilloscope which talks to my Laptop for taking Snapshot's of waveforms and saving video's and pics of the waveforms in realtime to my PC. I actually planned on doing this already, but decided to do the speedofix2.0 first since I already had the parts for the new speedofix design. very very soon, I plan on having some units completed by this coming weekend. I will post up when they are ready
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