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Everything posted by 12oclocker

  1. I've got an order I placed, I'm still waiting for it to arrive, its coming from Japan.. Does your connector have the tabs like this one? [tab at the top which allows the connector to lock together]
  2. Good news, I sent the new SpeedoFix design to my buddy in texas, he has a "Yamaha 1300 Vstar Cruiser" with a needle type speedometer, got the call today everything works perfect. This was good news because his sensor line is 12v not 5v, and his speedometer is a needle type, so to my knowledge this covers every electrical and mechanical variance among bikes that I've found so far, only thing to finish up is getting the connectors for the different bike brands, which is already in the works. will do
  3. You might as well put sand in your engine. get rid of that FRAM junk, I would not even call it a filter. I would call it a piece of crap that allows pieces of the cardboard filter to float around in your engine.
  4. You are f'king wrong. how about I do that to your grandma, and we'll talk again! You must be crazy! I can easily get a 72 year old woman into the back of a cruiser without hurting her, and against her will, and if you are unable to do this, you should not be a f'king cop! Cops are hired to SERVE AND PROTECT the people, not to Abuse and Neglect them. Tazering her is MUCH MUCH WORSE than man handling her into a car!! she'll possibly break her spine or both hips falling backwards after getting tazered, she could even die of a heart attack, she is f'king 72 years old, and her heart is very weak compared to a 22 year old person! 1) That tazer could have KILLED HER, she is old and her heart is weak, I watched a old man DIE on tv that was tazered in an airport. 2) That old lady was not doing anything that she deserved to be tortured like that, or possibly die for. 3) You were hired to protect that old lady, even if its against her own bad judgment, instead you choose to put her life in danger, and possibly kill her! 4) Tazering her is MUCH MUCH WORSE than man handling her into a car!! she'll possibly break her spine or both hips falling backwards after getting tazered! 5) Tazers were not designed for 72 year old women, I am sick of cops using them as a bully tool, and that's exactly what this video displayed!
  5. I hope not long, I'm tracking down the connector for you bike, I'm going to look at a suzuki tomorrow to take a pic of the connector.
  6. there is a wire coming from your front sprocket area, or close to that point at the rear of the engine, the wire is only about 6 to 8 inches long, and it will have a connector on the end. There is also a neutral indicator wire close to that location, its easy to confuse the two. I believe your's looks like the picture I posted, let me know if I am right.
  7. Let me know if you see a connector on your bike that looks like this.... http://www.auctiva.com/hostedimages/showimage.aspx?gid=663726&ppid=1122ℑ=231935923&images=231935923&formats=0&format=0
  8. I ordered some honda connectors, they should be here hopefully within a week! For anyone who's interested, here's the Video Instructions for new 2.4X Firmware which I just finished up, this will be the firmware shipping with all the new units starting next week.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS5OQpE3AdI
  9. Yep, I got yours figure out! That's a good idea, I should give KC a ring.
  10. I'll let you know as soon as I got something for you.... If anyone that wants a unit, could take a pic of their speed sensor connector, it would be greatly appreciated ;-) here's a pic of a honda f4i connector, I found a place which carries pretty much all the connectors I need, I just needs the pics to know which connectors to order for which bike, I already know what connectors for the majority of all yamaha's and for about half the honda's (just not sure which honda's are using this connector besides the f4i) It's usually near the rear of the engine, close to the rear of the gas tank but lower, 3 wires, and not very large.
  11. if she wants to learn start her on a 4 wheeler, after she learns the clutch and brake, then move her to 2 wheels, otherwise she will probably wreck.
  12. I can't explain it now, its already assembled and on my bike, and I don't want to tear it apart. wait till you see my CRF integrated tail light, its going to do chaser patterns for the turn signals, it's going to be sweet!
  13. Here's a picture of what the new units will look like, They're smallest speedometer calibration device in the world. New feature list... Allows speedometer correction in .1% steps, up to 99.9% + or - Saves max speed, which can be recalled to your stock speedometer gauge Allows for MPH to KPH conversion, or KPH to MPH conversion I have One SpeedoFix2 unit left from last batch, for a WR250X / WR250R. $50 with free shipping to the USA, if anyone wants it let me know. I'll have other models done soon, hang in there.
  14. I'm shooting to have a final honda product ready within the next week or so, I'm working on getting the factory honda connectors.
  15. I got another one for you guys.... What the hell is the difference between a red light and a stop sign, if there is NO TRAFFIC. Every f'king night I come home from work, there is a red light that is 5 f'king minutes long, when I am getting off the interstate, at 1am, and there is absolutely no cars in either direction. WHY THE F'K should I have to sit at RED LIGHT, with NO TRAFFIC in an EMPTY INTERSECTION for 5 MINUTES! Humans are smart enough to check for cars at a stop sign and turn left, what the hell is the difference... There is none! I can guarantee you the cop siting at the gas station is just smiling and waiting for someone to pull over for running that light too. Who cares! the INTERSECTION IS EMPTY!!! Something else I've noticed!!!!!! Intersections that are getting red light cameras, I have noticed they are starting to LOWER THE DURATION OF THE YELLOW LIGHT. Not all of them, but I have noticed at least a few like this, now that is some scamming bullshit!
  16. Just in case everyone is Not aware of this. The police work for US. our tax dollars pay their salary. They are hired to serve and protect the people. But have you noticed instead of serving and protecting, the system is being more and more designed to prey on the public. New laws are designed, not for our safety, but to figure out ways for government to increase their revenue from us. And the police departments want to give us tickets for any shit they can to increase their department revenue, its bullshit. How do you feel knowing the police departments primary objective now is to prey on the public and issue tickets to increase their deparments revenue, and this seems to be pretty much the standard across the board now days.
  17. That would be cool, I may take you up on that offer soon.I just check the signal from the Speed sensor with a meter or a oscope, it dosen't take very long, maybe 15 minutes. I verfiy with a GPS, I already wrote a program which does it with gear ratio calcs so I dont need a GPS, both version of the calc tool are on the 12oclockLabs website. will do, thanks! the parts are on their way to my house for the prototype yes, thats the idea hopefully, as soon as I test compatability with all the major bike brands, Im going to shop the ideato some companies. It's a difficult process, one you can easily get screwed on, many precautions must be taken.
  18. Yeah, Brian rides over a warrior a lot, when I get the parts for the new version I'll give you a ring, and we can put one your bike and give it a test run! One of 2 things will happen by next year, eithor I'll have mass production, or I'll have sold the design to a large company. I'm gonna spend this summer making sure I check compatability with as many bikes as I can.
  19. I somehow overlooked this reply, lol, I measured brians f4i, but I'm going to have a unit compatible with the f4i's very soon now, I already ordered the parts to build the first prototype...
  20. I just figured out a way to squeeze my code into a 8pin SOIC chip, this is a chip that is 4mm by 5mm! so now my design will be Half the size! (half the size of a Nickle!)
  21. have you got the service manual? I'll add it to the list, I've been getting the specs from the service manual, one day I was bored and I called a bunch of shops and had them read me the gear ratios, I used that info to make the calc tool.
  22. Your engine RPM's were 10,100 and you were in 5th gear. (if you had stock gearing) http://www.12oclocker.com/gearcalc.htm
  23. I doubt its very time sensitive, you could use a RC charge network to switch a transistor which switches a relay. Or find a similar machine and get another part number for the same kind of part.
  24. I have a buddy with a GSXR, you may already be covered.
  25. how are you checking for spark? if you have the "coil over plug" check to make sure your getting the 12v negative pulse to the primary side of the coil, this comes directly from the ECU. If you are not getting anything out of the ECU to the setup coils (measure directly at the ECU connector to make sure its not a wiring problem), and you KNOW the ECU is Good. Then your Kill switch wiring is shorted to ground probably. Because on most bikes you can have the key ON, and the bike WILL turn over, but if the kill switch is off, the ECU will not fire the plugs, hence if you KNOW the ecu is good, and you KNOW the wiring from the ECU to the step coils is good, and you are not getting the negative 12v pulses from the ECU to the step-up coils, then a killswitch short makes sense, check all the other stuff first, because it's probably one of the other items listed.
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