Radar still shows a lot of h2o in the direction we would be headed, I'll keep watching this thread but I won't be at circle k at the specified meet up time.
Automotive News July 30, 2009 - 8:52 pm ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) --The Obama administration will suspend a $1 billion program intended to spur U.S. auto sales after it surprisingly approached its funding limit after only a few days, government and industry sources said.
Six days into the official start of this program and they are out of money! Another billion $$$ government program, This was supposed to last 12 weeks looks like it will only go one week. The bean counters under estimated the demand for this. I'm sure they will do better spending our $$$ on health care. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=axu76hQpdRAA
I bet he love's going out with you on the RC. I remember going out with Patrick aka (omgshesaboy) when he was 4 years old. Now 15 years later we go on OR rides together. It's the best.
I just saw this mystery track bike in the Valley I think the number was 715 or something like that. About a mile behind him was a Metro Park Ranger. He was around were Rte 82 cuts through the park. If I see him again I'll have too double back and try to catch him/her see who it is.
I wanted to get a feel for the R6 before I put her on the track, so he was the lucky kid yesterday. BTW that R6 is a lot of fun. Yeah I watch him real close on these rides and he seems to keep it to his level.
Yeah I've got two dirt bikes on craigslist, listed pretty cheap IMO, I don't mind someone making an offer on something, but at least come out and LOOK at it before you lowball me!