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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. it feels better and i know i need to wear the suit a few times to break it in. luckily this isnt my daily riding gear! haha. i am happy with it overall tho
  2. I know who he's talkin about. Dude is on the board, never would post but would show up at chipotle for the trip out to bike night. Pretty sure his name was nick too. Wasn't brennan
  3. it was either teej or nick, but that wasnt brennan
  4. I think he's thinkin of teej. Derek you talkin about when we ran nky?
  5. $600 with a free helmet but you can prolly persuade someone to trade the helmet for something else if you dont want it
  6. yeah bro it fits hella tight in the crotch. i honestly think im at the top end of the height scale for this suit. if i was like 5'10" or 5'11" i dont think it would be as bad. everything else fits fine, like a 2nd layer of skin
  7. yeah he got banned on gixxer.com too
  8. i agree! we all share a common purpose here that we share a passion for motorcycles. most of us here ride sportbikes, but it doesnt matter. oh and welcome!
  9. thanks bro! hopefully i can get out there this year. i know the street is no place to attempt getting a knee down. on a side note lizard im glad you chimed in. does the suit look like it fits me pretty well? i can send you more pics if need be. thanks bro!
  10. i purposefully did not post the back shot because i didnt want you getting all excited over there
  11. took some pics and stuff but not sure why its not showin up on the front page. anyways heres the link http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=20944
  12. i am no pro, nor do i work for any companies that represent or independently test leather suits or other motorcycle gear. i am just one man giving my opinions on this one piece suit. this is my first suit and i went solely based on the reviews of my peers as to the quality of this suit. other reviews can be found on sportbiketrackgear.coms website. heres the suit laying on my floor. it is enjoying having its picture taken as you can tell: here is the back protector. i was not going to take the whole thing out just to take a picture but i can tell you this thing is one sturdy piece of something. it kinda feels like it forms to your body but yet is firm and im pretty sure it will help me to not become a vegetable in the even of a get off (not that kind of get off you pervs!) heres a cool label displaying the type of armour used in this suit. it feels comfy and im sure i could wear this armour in the event of a nuclear war elastic leg and elastic crotch part (doesnt help too much with the camel toe) now heres me in the suit. im 6'0" around 185-190#. i am not a model (as you can tell) all in all the suit seems well built and the seams are tight. this thing weighs a ton but i feel pretty comfortable with this thing on and it feels like im really protected. any other questions or comments please direct to my secretary brennan j/k
  13. I know buddy. My trunk sucks! You can fit a lot of stuff in there and that makes me mad!!! But that's ok cause my small trunk makes my bike more aerodynamic. That's why I'm so much faster than you! Hahaha
  14. i think hes ridden with us a few times when you were around? not sure tho?
  15. mrmako777

    Skyline Fan?

    yeah you can buy it at the store usually next to skyline. gold star is more meaty and i think its a little more spicy than skyline too. yum!
  16. suzuki ram air direct. and as far as a tail section its more like a car trunk!
  17. he doesnt want to puke during the interview nick!
  18. man you guys are coming out like gay day at kings island. where were all you cincy guys last summer? oh and welcome!
  19. jerm has used my spools on his srad a few times. im pretty sure its 8 mm
  20. yeah this is what i was wondering as well
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